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Discover Fascinating Animal Lore Life Is Feudal - Unravel the Secrets of Wild Creatures!

Discover Fascinating Animal Lore Life Is Feudal - Unravel the Secrets of Wild Creatures!

Are you tired of constantly being killed by wolves in Life is Feudal? Do you want to learn how to handle animal encounters like a pro? Look no further than Animal Lore.

This skill, available through the Hunting skill tree, allows players to track, hunt, and understand animals in the game. But it's not just about survival; learning Animal Lore can also provide valuable resources and income.

First, let's talk about tracking. With Animal Lore level 30, players can craft and use tracking arrows to follow animals and find their dens. This is particularly useful for finding bears, who are notorious for hiding in hard-to-reach locations.

But once you've tracked an animal, how do you take it down without getting yourself killed? Animal Lore offers a variety of hunting techniques, such as using traps or creating distractions with decoys. With practice, players can become skilled at taking down even the strongest of creatures.

And the rewards for successful hunts can be substantial. Players can gather materials like pelts, meat, and even bones for crafting. Plus, selling these items to other players can be a lucrative source of income.

But Animal Lore isn't just about killing animals. With higher levels, players can learn about the behavior and habits of different creatures. Did you know that rabbits dig burrows that can be used for storage? Or that foxes are more active during the night?

Understanding animal behavior can also lead to peaceful coexistence. For example, players can learn how to avoid agitating bears by staying downwind and keeping a safe distance. And with Animal Lore level 40, players can even tame certain creatures like chickens and cows.

But perhaps the most important aspect of Animal Lore is the ability to protect yourself from dangerous predators. With the right knowledge and tools, players can turn the tables on wolves, bears, and other aggressive animals.

So if you're tired of constantly dying in Life is Feudal, consider investing in Animal Lore. Not only will it improve your survival skills, but it may also lead to exciting new opportunities and experiences in the game.

Animal Lore Life Is Feudal
"Animal Lore Life Is Feudal" ~ bbaz

The Importance of Animal Lore in Life is Feudal

When playing Life is Feudal, one of the most important aspects of the game is animal husbandry. In order to progress and become stronger within the game, players must be able to raise and care for livestock. This is where the skill of animal lore comes into play. Animal lore is the ability to care for, breed, and maintain animals in a healthy state. In this article, we will discuss the importance of animal lore in Life is Feudal and offer some tips on how to improve your skills.

Benefits of Raising Animals

Raising animals can provide players with a variety of benefits. For example:

  • Food: Livestock can provide players with meat, milk, eggs, wool, and other resources. These resources can be used to feed the player and their companions, as well as trade with other players.
  • Transportation: Horses, cattle, and other animals can be used to transport goods and players around the map. This can save time and resources when traveling long distances.
  • Companionship: Animals can provide players with companionship and can lend a sense of realism to the game.

How to Raise Animals

When it comes to raising animals in Life is Feudal, there are several things players should keep in mind.:

  • Care and Feeding: It is important to feed your animals regularly and make sure they have plenty of water. Different animals require different types of food, so research what your animals need.
  • Breeding: Breeding animals can be a good way to increase your herd or flock. Make sure you have enough space and resources to accommodate the new animals.
  • Healthcare: Just like humans, animals can become sick or injured. Be sure to provide them with medical care when needed, such as bandages or medicine.
  • Protection: Animals can be vulnerable to predators and other dangers. Protect them by building sturdy pens or stables.

Tips for Improving Animal Lore Skills

Improving your animal lore skill can help you become a more successful livestock farmer in Life is Feudal. Here are some tips for improving your skill:

  • Practice: The more animals you raise, the more experience you will gain.
  • Research: Look up information about the animals you are raising to learn more about their needs.
  • Invest: Spend points on the animal lore skill to make it easier to care for your livestock.
  • Join a Guild: Being part of a guild can provide players with access to resources and mentorship from experienced players.


In conclusion, animal lore is an essential skill for anyone looking to raise animals in Life is Feudal. By taking care of your animals, you can enjoy the benefits they provide and become a stronger player. Be sure to research and practice your animal care skills to become a master of livestock farming!

Comparison Between Animal Lore in Life Is Feudal

The Significance of Animal Lore in Life Is Feudal and the Differences

Animal lore in Life Is Feudal is an essential aspect of the game as it determines how players interact with animals. It involves understanding the different types of animals in the game, their habits, and behavior. There are two main categories of animals in Life Is Feudal: wild and domesticated animals.

Wild animals roam several areas of the game world and can be hunted using bows and arrows, traps, or spears. Players must use animal lore to identify a particular animal's behavior and create hunting strategies accordingly.

Domesticated animals, on the other hand, can be tamed, trained, and bred by players. Some examples of domesticated animals in Life Is Feudal include cows, horses, goats, and chickens. Players can use animal lore to ensure that these animals produce much-needed resources such as milk, eggs, wool, and meat.

The main difference between wild and domesticated animals is that while players can tame domesticated animals, they cannot do so with wild animals. This implies that players must rely on their knowledge of animal behavior to hunt them efficiently.

Skills Required for Animal Lore in Life Is Feudal

To succeed in animal lore, players will rely on several skills – survival, hunting, cartography, and swordsmanship. These skills work together to develop skills in animal lore, allowing players to track and kill wild animals for food and materials and tame domesticated animals.

In addition to these core skills, players must also level up their Animal Husbandry skill to successfully take care of domesticated animals. Higher Animal Husbandry levels translate into healthier and more productive animals.

The Benefits of Animal Lore in Life Is Feudal

There are many benefits to mastering animal lore in Life Is Feudal, making it an important aspect of gameplay. The first is that players will be able to generate essential resources from their domesticated animals, including food, wool, leather, and eggs.

Additionally, the hunting of wild animals using animal lore skills can provide players with valuable materials, such as skins for leatherworking or bones for creating tools and weapons. Players can also sell these resources to other players in exchange for currency.

Another benefit of animal lore in Life Is Feudal is that it helps develop several other core skills that unlock a lot of opportunities within the game. Players can level up their survival, cartography, and swordsmanship skills, which all help make them more effective in the game world.

The Comparison Table

Animal Lore Features Life Is Feudal
Types of Animals Wild and Domesticated
Animal Husbandry Skill Essential for Taking Care of Domesticated Animals
Benefits Produces Essential Resources, Provides Valuable Materials, Develops Core Skills
Interaction with Animals Wild: Hunting and Trapping, Domesticated: Taming, Training and Breeding
Skills Utilized Survival, Hunting, Cartography, Animal Husbandry, and Swordsmanship


Animal lore is an important aspect of Life Is Feudal that involves understanding the behavior of wild and domesticated animals in the game world. Through skills such as survival, hunting, cartography, and swordsmanship, players can level up their animal husbandry skill to generate essential resources from domesticated animals and obtain valuable materials from hunting wild animals.

The understanding of animal behavior in Life Is Feudal contributes positively to developing other core skills necessary for effective gameplay. By mastering animal lore, players can create effective strategies for hunting and taming animals, resulting in an overall better gaming experience.

Tips and Tricks for Mastering Animal Lore in Life is Feudal

Animal Lore is an important part of surviving and thriving in Life is Feudal. Understanding the behaviors and needs of different animals can help you hunt, farm, and survive more efficiently. In this article, we'll share some expert tips and tricks for mastering Animal Lore in Life is Feudal.

Understanding Animal Behavior

Before you start hunting or farming animals, it's important to understand their behavior. Different animals have different habits and preferences when it comes to their movement, diet, and mating.

For example, deer are skittish animals that will flee at the first sign of danger. Wolves, on the other hand, are pack animals that will attack if they feel threatened. Pigs are omnivores and will eat anything from grass to meat, while cows only eat grass.

By observing animals in the wild and reading their descriptions in the game, you can learn more about their behavior and needs. This knowledge will help you plan your hunting and farming strategies.

Hunting Tips

Hunting is a crucial part of surviving in Life is Feudal, as it provides food, leather, and other resources. Here are some tips for successful hunting:

Use stealth and camouflage

Many animals in the game have sharp senses and will flee at the sight or sound of a hunter. To avoid detection, use camouflage clothing and approach animals from downwind. You can also crouch and walk slowly to reduce your noise level.

Use traps and snares

Traps and snares are effective ways to capture animals without spooking them. You can craft traps using sticks and rope, or buy them from the market. Place your traps in areas where animals are likely to pass by, such as near their feeding grounds.

Use bait

Bait can attract animals to a specific location, making them easier to hunt. You can use animal meat or carcasses as bait, or buy specialized bait from the market. Be patient and wait for the animal to approach the bait before attacking.

Farming Tips

If you prefer a more peaceful approach to obtaining animal resources, farming is a good option. Here are some tips for successful farming:

Choose the right animals

Not all animals are suitable for farming. Some animals, like wolves and bears, cannot be tamed and will attack you on sight. Other animals, like pigs and cows, can be tamed and bred for food, milk, and leather. Choose the animals that best fit your needs and skills.

Provide adequate shelter and food

Tamed animals require shelter from the elements, as well as regular feeding. Build or buy animal pens or stables where your animals can stay, and make sure they have access to clean water and food. Different animals require different types of food, so research their diets before starting your farm.

Breed your animals

Breeding animals is a great way to increase your herd and obtain more resources. To breed animals, you need at least one male and one female of the same species. Give them enough space and food, and wait for the females to give birth. The offspring will inherit some of the parents' traits and can be used for farming or trading.

Crafting with Animal Resources

Once you've hunted or farmed animals, you can use their resources to craft new items or improve existing ones. Here are some examples:


Animal hides and fur can be used to craft leather armor, bags, and belts. You'll need a tanning rack and some salt to turn the raw hides into leather. Fur can also be turned into warm coats and hats for the winter.

Cooking and Alchemy

Animal meat and carcasses can be cooked into tasty meals or used as ingredients in alchemy potions. Different types of meat provide different levels of nutrition and energy. Experiment with different recipes to find what works best for you.

Smithing and Carpentry

Animal bones and horns can be used to create tools, weapons, and decorative items. Bones can be sharpened into knives and arrowheads, while horns can be polished into drinking horns and musical instruments. Experiment with different combinations to discover new crafting possibilities.


Animal Lore is a fascinating and rewarding aspect of Life is Feudal. By understanding animal behavior, hunting and farming effectively, and using animal resources wisely, you can become a skilled survivor and craftsman. We hope these tips and tricks have inspired you to explore this exciting world of animals and resources!

Animal Lore Life Is Feudal: A Journey into the World of Animals

Thank you for reading this article about Animal Lore in Life Is Feudal. We hope that you have learned a lot about this game and how it allows players to interact with animals in a realistic way. Life is Feudal offers an immersive experience where players can hunt, breed, and care for animals that are essential to their survival in a medieval world.

Animal Lore is a skill that enables players to tame, breed, train, and harvest animals, just as they would in real life. Life Is Feudal has a vast array of animals to choose from, including horses, chickens, cows, sheep, pigs, and dogs. Each of these animals has unique attributes, strengths, and weaknesses that affect gameplay, making Animal Lore an extremely important skill for any player looking to succeed.

The process of acquiring new animals is not always easy and requires a considerable amount of time and patience on the part of the player. You must first locate the animal you want, then track and subdue it, before finally training it to become your loyal companion.

One of the most exciting aspects of Animal Lore is the ability to breed and reproduce animals. This feature adds a new level of strategy to the game, as players must carefully select which animals to breed in order to produce offspring that possess desirable attributes and traits.

While Animal Lore is primarily focused on the hunting, breeding, and taming of animals, there are also other aspects of the skill that are beneficial to players. For example, players with a high Animal Lore skill level will be able to raise and harvest animals more efficiently, increasing their overall productivity.

As players continue to nurture and care for their animals, they will develop a bond with them that extends beyond mere ownership. These animals will become companions and allies, providing players with benefits like increased speed, inventory space, and protection. On the other hand, neglecting an animal can lead to negative consequences, including decreased productivity or dehydration.

The world of Life Is Feudal is a challenging one that requires players to use their wits, skills, and resources in order to survive. Animal Lore is just one example of the many skills that players can master to increase their chances of success.

In conclusion, we hope that this article has given you a glimpse into the world of Animal Lore in Life Is Feudal. Whether you are a seasoned player or just starting out, this skill is an essential part of the game that cannot be ignored. Remember to always take care of your animals, as they are a valuable asset in a world where survival is everything. Happy gaming!

People Also Ask About Animal Lore Life Is Feudal

What is Animal Lore in Life is Feudal?

Animal Lore is a skill in the game, Life is Feudal, that deals with taming, feeding, and breeding animals.

What animals can be tamed in Life is Feudal?

In Life is Feudal, players can tame horses, cows, pigs, and sheep using Animal Lore skill.

How do you feed animals in Life is Feudal?

Players can feed animals in Life is Feudal by planting crops such as wheat or vegetables and using them as fodder. Alternatively, players can also gather and store hay for feeding animals during winter or when there is no grass in the vicinity.

What are the benefits of breeding animals in Life is Feudal?

Breeding animals in Life is Feudal can provide players with a steady supply of food, material for clothing and equipment, and trading goods. It also helps in increasing the skill level of Animal Lore.

How do you increase Animal Lore skill in Life is Feudal?

Players can increase their Animal Lore skill in Life is Feudal by regularly taming, feeding, and breeding animals. The skill can also be increased by successfully completing Animal Lore-related quests or by reading and studying Animal Lore books.

What happens if an animal dies in Life is Feudal?

If an animal dies in Life is Feudal, it can be harvested for meat, fur, and other materials. However, players should be careful not to over-hunt or over-fish in order to maintain a healthy animal population in their village or tribe.

Can you ride animals in Life is Feudal?

Yes, players can ride tamed horses in Life is Feudal, but they need to have the Riding ability skill to do so. Cows and pigs, however, cannot be ridden as they are more for agricultural purposes than transportation.