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Unleash Your Wild Side: Pathfinder Adventure with an Awakened Animal Companion

Unleash Your Wild Side: Pathfinder Adventure with an Awakened Animal Companion

Pathfinder is a tabletop roleplaying game that has been around for decades. But are you tired of playing as the same old humanoid characters? Why not try something new and awaken your inner animal instincts by playing an awakened animal?

An awakened animal is a sentient creature with human-like intelligence and the ability to communicate with others. Imagine being a talking wolf, a cunning fox, or a wise owl. The possibilities for roleplay and character development are endless.

If you're worried about combat effectiveness, fear not. Awakened animals can still use weapons and magic just like any other character. Plus, their unique abilities and natural instincts can give them an edge in certain situations.

But what kind of awakened animal should you play? It all depends on your preferences and playstyle. Are you looking for a sneaky rogue? A strong fighter? A wise spellcaster? There's an animal out there for every role.

And let's not forget the added bonus of playing an awakened animal – animals are adorable! Who wouldn't want to play a cute and cuddly creature that can also tear apart enemies with its sharp claws?

But it's not just about the cute factor. Playing an awakened animal can also provide a fresh perspective on the game's world. How do they interact with human society? Do they have different beliefs and values?

Of course, there are challenges that come with playing an awakened animal. How do you deal with prejudice and discrimination from those who view you as nothing more than an animal? And how do you cope with being away from your natural habitat?

But these challenges can also lead to new and interesting storylines. Perhaps your character is on a quest to prove themselves to society and earn the respect of their peers. Or maybe they long to return to their forest home and must navigate a world that is unfamiliar to them.

In conclusion, playing an awakened animal in Pathfinder may seem unconventional, but it can add a new level of depth and creativity to your gameplay. With so many options available, there's no reason not to give it a try. So why not awaken your inner animal and embark on a new adventure?

Pathfinder Playing An Awakened Animal
"Pathfinder Playing An Awakened Animal" ~ bbaz


Pathfinder is an amazing role-playing game that lets you immerse yourself in a world of fantasy and adventure. Among the many fascinating options available in this game is the chance to play as an awakened animal. Playing as an awakened animal in Pathfinder can bring a whole new dimension to your gameplay experience. In this blog article, we will explore what it means to be an awakened animal in the Pathfinder game.

What is an Awakened Animal?

An awakened animal is a magical creature that has gained sentience and intelligence through the casting of a powerful spell. In Pathfinder, animals such as cats, dogs, and birds can become awakened by a druid or wizard who possesses the required knowledge and magical powers.

Benefits of Being an Awakened Animal

As an awakened animal, you gain access to a whole range of advantages in the game. Firstly, you get to choose a class that suits your abilities and characteristics, thus ensuring that you have a well-rounded character. Additionally, as an awakened animal, you can communicate with other animals who are not under the influence of the same spell.

Challenges of Playing an Awakened Animal

Despite the benefits, there are some challenges that come with playing an awakened animal. For instance, playing as a tiny creature may make it difficult to engage in combat with larger enemies. Similarly, despite being sentient, you may still find it challenging to navigate complex social situations, deciphering language, or handling social interactions, which can be frustrating for some players.

Gaining Skills and Abilities as an Awakened Animal

If you choose to create an awakened animal character in Pathfinder, you will have the freedom to customize its skills and abilities depending on its class. As you level up, you will gain access to new skills, feats, and spells that can be put to use in the game.

Classes Available for Awakened Animals

Classes that are available to awakened animals include fighter, wizard, rogue, sorcerer, and cleric. Choosing which class to play as an awakened animal will depend on your character's strengths, skills, and abilities.

Interacting With Other Characters as an Awakened Animal

One of the most exciting things about playing an awakened animal in Pathfinder is the chance to interact with other characters. As an awakened animal, it's essential to establish meaningful relationships with other party members. You need to work together to create a cohesive team to tackle the challenges that come your way.

Roleplaying Challenges in Playing an Awakened Animal

One of the significant challenges of playing an awakened animal is how to roleplay effectively with other characters. You need to think about how you interact with them, considering that you are not human or humanoid. Understanding animal behavior is crucial in creating a believable and distinct character.


Playing an awakened animal is a fantastic option when designing your Pathfinder character. The power to communicate with animals and choose from the different classes adds a whole new level to your gameplay experience. Although there are some unique challenges involved, it's worth considering because of the unique roleplaying opportunities that arise from playing as an awakened animal. We hope you found this article informative!

Pathfinder Playing An Awakened Animal: A Comparison


Playing tabletop RPGs (role-playing games) is a popular pastime all around the world, and the Pathfinder system is one of the most beloved. One particularly interesting aspect of character creation that many GMs allow is playing as an awakened animal. This means taking control of a previously non-sentient creature now imbued with intelligence and self-awareness. But how does playing as an awakened animal compare to playing as a more standard character? Let's take a look.


In Pathfinder, there are a number of ways that characters can be awakened or gain the traits of animals. Some examples include spells like Awaken, or certain feats such as Wild Speech. These methods can vary depending on which edition you're playing, but the general concept remains the same. Once a character has awakened an animal, they gain access to unique abilities and traits not available to other characters.

Skills and Attributes

One area where awakened animals really shine is in their skills and attributes. Depending on which animal they inhabit, they may have increased strength, agility, or intelligence among other traits. Additionally, thanks to their natural abilities, they may have bonuses to necessary skills such as perception or stealth. For example, an awakened owl character may have superior night vision and hearing, which could come in handy during a dungeon crawl.


Of course, playing an animal also comes with some limitations. Depending on the setting, your character may face additional challenges due to their size, species, or lack of opposable thumbs. In social situations, they may struggle to communicate effectively with humans or other sentient creatures. Additionally, some animals may have biological limitations - for instance, a mouse probably wouldn't fare well in a direct combat scenario.

Magic and Equipment

Another area where awakened animals differ is in their access to magic and equipment. While they may not be able to use traditional weapons, they may have access to unique abilities such as shape-shifting, telekinesis, or elemental powers. Additionally, depending on the GM's ruling, they may be able to use their innate animal abilities in creative ways to get around obstacles. For instance, a dolphin character may use echolocation to detect hidden hazards in a body of water.


In combat scenarios, playing an animal character can be both challenging and rewarding. Depending on their species, they may have advantages like natural weapons or armor. Some animals may also have superior agility or mobility. However, the primary limitation is that they won't have access to traditional weapons unless a GM allows it. This means they'll need to rely on their instincts and natural abilities to win fights.

Interaction with other Characters

One potential drawback of playing as an awakened animal is that other characters may have difficulty relating to them on a human level. This could lead to misunderstandings or friction if not handled well. However, it can also lead to interesting role-playing opportunities as the animal tries to navigate their new sentience and interact with the world around them.

Role-Playing Opportunities

Playing as an awakened animal opens up a whole new world of role-playing possibilities. Depending on the GM's setup, your character may face unique challenges like overcoming their animal instincts, dealing with prejudice from humans, or exploring the metaphysical implications of what it means to be sentient. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to experience the world from an entirely new perspective.

Table Comparison

Aspect Awakened Animal Standard Character
Skills May have bonuses to unique skills depending on animal Relies on class and racial abilities for skills
Magic and Equipment May have access to unique abilities like shape-shifting or telekinesis Relies on purchased or crafted equipment and spells
Combat May have advantages like natural weapons or armor Relies on purchased or crafted weaponry and armor
Interaction with other characters May face prejudice or misunderstandings due to their non-human nature May have more immediate rapport with other humanoid characters
Role-playing opportunities Offers unique opportunities to explore sentience and difference Standard role-playing opportunities based on class and backstory


Playing as an awakened animal in Pathfinder can be a challenging but ultimately rewarding experience. It offers unique role-playing opportunities to explore difference and consciousness, as well as access to unique skills and abilities. However, it's important to keep in mind the limitations that come with playing a creature instead of a humanoid character. If handled well, this can add to the richness and complexity of your game.

Tips for Playing an Awakened Animal in Pathfinder


Playing as an awakened animal in Pathfinder can be a fun and unique experience. However, it also comes with its own set of challenges. In this article, we'll go over some tips and strategies to make the most out of your awakened animal character.

Choosing Your Animal

The first step in playing an awakened animal is choosing which animal you want to play. Some good options include wolves, bears, and big cats like tigers or lions. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of each type of animal, as well as their abilities and special traits.

Choosing a Class

Next, you'll want to choose a class for your character. Many classes are available to animals, including druid, ranger, and even rogue. Consider how your animal's abilities and skills will work with your chosen class.

Stats and Skills

As with any other character, your awakened animal will have stats and skills that determine their abilities. Make sure to choose stats that complement your chosen class, and focus on bolstering your most important skills.

Playing Your Character

Once you have your character set up, it's time to start playing. Keep these tips in mind to make the most of your character:

Use Your Natural Abilities

As an awakened animal, you have many natural abilities that can aid you in combat and exploration. Don't forget to use them!

Be Mindful of Stealth

Many animals are good at stealth, so make sure to take advantage of this when sneaking around or trying to avoid danger.

Follow Your Instincts

Animals rely heavily on their instincts, so don't be afraid to roleplay this aspect of your character. Trust your gut and act accordingly.

Interact with Other Animals

Playing an animal character can give you a unique perspective on the game world. Interact with other animals and see how they respond to you.


Playing an awakened animal can be a lot of fun, but it also requires some strategy and planning. By following these tips, you can create a unique and memorable character that stands out from the crowd.

Playing an Awakened Animal in Pathfinder

If you're looking for a unique and exciting way to play Pathfinder, consider playing as an awakened animal. This is an option for characters that offers a lot of creative opportunities, but it also comes with some challenges. In this article, we will explore what it means to play an awakened animal in Pathfinder, and how you can make the most of this character choice.

Firstly, it's important to understand what an awakened animal is. Essentially, it's an animal that has been given human-like intelligence and the ability to speak a language. As a result, they become capable of interacting with the world and making decisions beyond their animal instincts. An awakened animal can also gain class levels, just like any other character in Pathfinder.

Playing an awakened animal opens up a whole new world of roleplaying possibilities. Your character may have once been a simple creature living in the wild, but now they can experience human emotions and relationships. They may also struggle with their animal instincts, and trying to balance their old instincts with their newfound intelligence. Additionally, it's important to consider how differently an animal might approach problems, and how that could be incorporated into gameplay.

One of the challenges of playing an awakened animal is figuring out how they fit into the larger world of Pathfinder. Animals are often seen as creatures to be hunted or feared, rather than individuals with their own thoughts and feelings. This means that your character may encounter discrimination or even hostility from NPCs. It's up to you and your GM to figure out how your character will navigate these challenges.

Another major consideration is the mechanics of playing an awakened animal. Unlike other characters, they can't wield weapons or use complicated magic. Instead, they rely on their natural abilities and skills. This means that you'll need to think creatively about combat tactics and problem-solving. However, with the right approach, an awakened animal character can be just as effective as any other.

There are a few different ways that you can create an awakened animal character in Pathfinder. The simplest option is to use the Animal Lord archetype, which allows you to give your animal companion the Awaken spell. Alternatively, you can use content from sourcebooks like Ultimate Wilderness or Bestiary 6 to create a custom awakened animal race. This gives you more control over how your character looks and plays, but it also requires more work on both your part and your GM's.

Another consideration is how your awakened animal character fits into a party. Depending on the setting, it may be difficult for them to interact with more traditionally-minded characters. It's important to think about how your character will fit into the group dynamic, and whether there might be conflicts or challenges that arise. However, with good communication and a cooperative attitude, any character can fit into a party.

In terms of class selection, an awakened animal can really choose any class that fits their new abilities and personality. For example, a wolf might make a good ranger or druid, while a parrot might be better suited for a bard. It all depends on what kind of character you want to play, and how you want to contribute to the party.

If you're looking for inspiration for your awakened animal character, there are plenty of examples in popular culture. In the Redwall series by Brian Jacques, many of the main characters are animals that have been given human-like qualities. The TV show Bojack Horseman also features a main character who is an anthropomorphic horse. These can be great examples to draw from when developing your own character.

In conclusion, playing an awakened animal in Pathfinder can be a rewarding and exciting experience. It offers a new perspective on the world and opens up a lot of roleplaying opportunities. However, it's important to consider the challenges that come with playing an animal in a world that doesn't always appreciate them. With the right mindset and creativity, you can create a memorable and impactful character that will bring something unique to your Pathfinder game.

Thank you for reading this article! We hope it has given you some ideas and inspiration for creating your own awakened animal character in Pathfinder. Remember, the most important thing is to have fun and stay true to your character's personality and abilities. Happy gaming!

Pathfinder Playing An Awakened Animal - People Also Ask

What is an awakened animal in Pathfinder?

An awakened animal is an animal that has gained sentience and human-like intelligence through the use of magic. In the Pathfinder RPG, the awaken spell can be cast on an animal to give it the ability to speak, understand language, and have a personality much like a human’s.

Can awakened animals be player characters in Pathfinder?

Yes, awakened animals can be played as player characters in Pathfinder. However, the GM may impose some restrictions on them, making playing as an awakened animal a bit challenging. They are also not usually allowed in official campaigns due to their unique abilities and challenges.

What are the advantages of playing an awakened animal in Pathfinder?

Playing as an awakened animal can be incredibly fun and challenging at the same time. Some of the advantages of playing an awakened animal in Pathfinder include:

  1. Unique abilities and powers based on the animal type
  2. Enhanced senses, such as night vision or keen scent
  3. The ability to communicate with other animals and nature-based creatures
  4. A different perspective on the world around them
  5. The ability to interact with NPCs in a unique and interesting way

What are the challenges of playing an awakened animal in Pathfinder?

While playing as an awakened animal in Pathfinder can be a lot of fun, there are also some challenges that come along with it. Some of these challenges include:

  • Difficulty interacting with humanoid races
  • The potential for prejudice and discrimination from others because of their animal appearance
  • Limitations on equipment, such as not being able to wear armor or wield weapons
  • Difficulty using some types of magic that require opposable thumbs or fine motor skills
  • The potential for separation from the group if they are unable to fit in with the party because of their animal nature