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I Am An Animal Lyrics Unveiled: An In-Depth Look into the Meaning Behind This Iconic Song

I Am An Animal Lyrics Unveiled: An In-Depth Look into the Meaning Behind This Iconic Song

Are you in need of a song that can express your primal instincts and wild side? Look no further than I Am An Animal by the Danish band, Nephew. The lyrics paint a picture of the raw, untamed essence that resides within each of us.

The opening lines immediately draw you in, with the question Am I the snake that bites, or the stars that shines? This sets the tone for the rest of the song, as it explores the dichotomy between darkness and light.

The chorus contains a catchy repetition of the phrase I am an animal, reinforcing the idea that even though we may try to suppress it, our animalistic nature cannot be denied.

The bridge provides a respite with the soothing lyrics Fading away like a river that flows, the world will continue without me. This moment of reflection is short-lived, however, as the chorus returns with full force.

But what makes I Am An Animal truly memorable are the provocative verses that delve into the depths of human desire. Lines such as If you wanna taste the flesh, then just get on the floor and You make me wanna hunt you down like prey, catch you, eat you alive are sure to make the listener's heart race.

This song also incorporates a sense of rebellion against societal norms with lyrics like I don't wanna leave the world, I wanna stay forever young and I will not listen to reason, I will not obey the order.

Nephew does not shy away from the brutal side of humanity, with lines like I'm capable of anything, from love to homicide. However, they also acknowledge the beauty within this primal state with the line In this monster lies a beautiful mind.

The use of transitions throughout the song allows it to flow seamlessly and keep the listener engaged. From the slow build-up in the beginning to the explosive chorus and back down to the bridge, each section seamlessly transitions into the next.

All in all, I Am An Animal is a wild ride that fully embraces the carnal aspect of human nature. Its thought-provoking lyrics and catchy melody make it a song that will stay with you long after the final note fades away.

If you're looking for a song that can tap into your primal instincts and bring out your wild side, I Am An Animal is the perfect solution. So turn up the volume and let yourself become one with your inner beast.

I Am An Animal Lyrics
"I Am An Animal Lyrics" ~ bbaz

When we think of the band Pink Floyd, we immediately picture the iconic album covers and their psychedelic rock sound that has become a cultural phenomenon. One of their lesser-known tracks, I Am An Animal, is a brilliant piece of songwriting that deserves to be explored and appreciated on its own merit.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of I Am An Animal are simple yet emotional, with lead vocalist Roger Waters singing, I am an animal, you are an animal too. The song explores the idea that humans are not so different from animals, as they share primal instincts and emotions like fear, love, and survival.

Waters goes on to explore the notion that humans have created divisions between themselves based on race, religion, and nationality, while in reality, they are all just animals living on the same planet. The song urges listeners to shed their biases and see each other as fellow creatures, taking cues from the natural world around them.

The Instrumentation

The instrumentation of I Am An Animal is just as captivating as its lyrics, with the track featuring a haunting intro that gradually builds up to a powerful crescendo of drums and guitars. The song's instrumental bridge is particularly striking, with its gentle piano accompaniment and jarring guitar chords creating a sense of tension and release.

The song's use of sound effects, such as animal noises and industrial sounds, adds depth and texture to the track, creating a sonic landscape that complements the lyrics perfectly. The instrumentation of I Am An Animal showcases Pink Floyd's unparalleled ability to create a mood and atmosphere that truly transports listeners to another world.

The Interpretation

However, the message of I Am An Animal is timeless and can still resonate with listeners today. In a world where hate and division seem to be on the rise, the song serves as a reminder that we are all connected by our humanity, and that we must strive to overcome our differences if we hope to build a better future for ourselves and future generations.

In Conclusion

Overall, I Am An Animal is a standout track in Pink Floyd's expansive discography. Its poignant lyrics, haunting instrumentation, and powerful message make it a song that is well worth revisiting and exploring. It's a testament to the band's ability to create music that is both thought-provoking and emotionally resonant, and serves as a reminder of the power that music has to inspire change and bring people together.

Comparing I Am An Animal Lyrics: A Review of the Best and Worst


Music is one of the most powerful forms of art that can leave a lasting impact on our souls. And when it comes to lyrics, they can communicate profound messages in a way that connects with us on a deep level. In this blog post, we are going to take a closer look at the lyrics of “I am an animal” by Pink, and compare them in various aspects such as its musicality, themes, and message.

The Themes

The song lyrics speak about various themes such as independence, freedom, and animalistic behavior from a human perspective. They are designed to allow the listener to relate to the characters depicted. The opening lines go, “There's a girl who gets what she wants all the time/'Cause she's fine, but for an angel, she's a hot, hot mess/ Make you so blind but you want to believe that it’s true.” From these lyrics, we can see Pink describing how people would rather choose to overlook flaws in others due to physical appearance or charm, even if their flaws are obvious.

The Accessibility and Repetition of Lyrics

Pink’s style of writing is simple, straight forward, and accessible. She uses repetition throughout the song, thereby making the transition between verses smoother and allowing the listener to remember the main message of the song easily. For example, the chorus goes, “I am an animal/I am unbreakable/I am unstoppable/I am invincible.” The chorus is repeated twice after every verse to emphasize the message being conveyed.

Emotion and Imagery

Pink uses strong imagery to paint a picture of the message she is trying to convey in the song. She uses animalistic behavior to capture the essence of primal instinct in human beings. For instance, the lyric “I am an animal” portrays a sense of wild and fierce nature along with independence and freedom.

Synthesizers and Electronica

The instrumentals used in “I am an animal” are an amalgamation of rock, electronica, and pop. The synthesizers have been used in such a way that they feel connected to the infectious rhythm and create an incredible soundscape that immerses the listener into the song. The chorus is magnified with a synth which gives it an impactful sound.

Table Comparison of Lyrics

Lyrics Message Musicality Imagery Repetition
“I am an animal” Portrays a sense of wild and fierce nature along with independence and freedom An amalgamation of rock, electronica, and pop Uses animalistic behavior to capture the essence of primal instinct in human beings Repeated twice after every verse

Impactful Message

The song conveys a message where Pink aims to inspire her listeners to be the best versions of themselves. By using animalistic behavior as an analogy, she captures the essence of primal instinct in human beings. In addition, Pink encourages her fans to embrace their authentic selves, highlighting themes of independence and freedom. Overall, the lyrics have positive, inspiring messages that uplifts and motivates the listeners.


One could argue that the song lyrics lack deep complexity in meaning, because it’s mostly addressing themes we’ve heard before. In addition, Pink’s uniqueness as an artist could have come out clearer in the lyrics, as they seem to contain relatively diluted content. However, it’s worth noting that Pink manages to create a great sound blending pop and rock music and adding layers to her instrumental soundscape.


After analyzing “I am an animal”’s lyrics, it’s clear that the song delivers a positive, uplifting message that inspires listeners to be their authentic selves. The lyrics are simple, yet effective in conveying powerful messages that highlight themes of independence and freedom. Although the lyrics may seem simplistic at first glance, the listener can appreciate how Pink blends different genres skillfully to create an impactful sound. On the whole, “I am an animal” encourages us to embrace our inner wildness, to stand tall and be invincible.

Decode the Meaning behind ‘I Am An Animal’ Lyrics


‘I Am An Animal’ is a song that was released by Canadian singer and songwriter Annie Lennox back in 2007. The song is a perfect example of art that goes deeper than surface-level and is laden with meaning and intention. From the metaphors used to discuss the oppression of animals to the deeper meanings of the song, here’s a comprehensive look into the lyrics of ‘I Am An Animal’ and what it means.

The Chorus: ‘I am an animal, you are an animal too’

The chorus line for this song is a repetitive, catchy phrase that echoes throughout the track. The repetition of ‘I am an animal, you are an animal too’ carries a deeper meaning than simply stating that we are all part of the Animalia kingdom. It draws attention to our shared primitive history and reminds us of the things that connect us all, regardless of species.

Verse One: ‘Can you hear us calling out? Help us, we're just animals’

The first verse of the song is where the reality of the message sets in. It begins with what can only be described as a cry for help from animals suffering under human oppression. The use of the phrase ‘we’re just animals’ carries weight and highlights the tendency for humans to see themselves as superior over other creatures.

Verse Two: ‘We're not the same, don't you see? We're nothing like each other’

The second verse is where the message of solidarity among living beings comes in. The line ‘we’re not the same, don’t you see?’ is significant because it speaks to how society draws arbitrary lines between species and labels them as different. The fact that the song highlights that there are more similarities than differences between humans and animals shines a light on how we should be treating animals better.

Verse Three: ‘Locked up in a factory farm, animals feel the harm’

The third verse confronts the reality of animal abuse in modern times. The line ‘Locked up in a factory farm, animals feel the harm’ creates imagery in the mind, and it’s easy to visualize the conditions of animals stuck in these institutions. It calls for attention on the issue and highlights how inhumane our treatment of animals can be.

Verse Four: ‘Our biology is the same, don't you know we feel the pain?’

The fourth and final verse boils down to the critical point of the song, which is about empathy. It’s easy for people to forget how interconnected all living beings are; however, the song serves as a reminder that the biological functions of living beings are the same, and we feel the same things. We’ve all felt fear, joy, pain, and excitement, so there’s no justification to torture animals or subject them to inhumane conditions.


In conclusion, the lyrics of ‘I Am An Animal’ remind us to be kinder and more empathetic towards animals, not only because we share the same planet as them but also because we all share common biology. With the cry for help in the song, it’s crucial that we pay attention to how we treat animals in society, whether in our homes or businesses, and ensure they’re treated with respect and compassion they deserve.

I Am An Animal Lyrics: The Powerful Message Behind the Iconic Song

Music has always been a powerful tool to convey emotions and messages, often highlighting significant social issues. Such is the case with I Am An Animal, an iconic song that speaks of animal rights, environmentalism, and humanity. The lyrical depth of the song, coupled with the melodic prowess of the music, makes it more than just a catchy tune- it is a call to action.

The first few lines of the song establish its theme, setting the tone for what's to come:

I am an animal, you are an animal too, we are all animals living in a zoo.

This line reiterates that all life forms are equal and deserving of respect. The use of the word 'zoo' represents the artificial world humans have created, symbolizing how we have barricaded ourselves from nature. The lyrics condemn this behavior and make a plea for humans to reconnect with nature by recognizing themselves as another species and the need to coexist peacefully.

The next few sentences of the song continue to highlight humanity's disconnect and disregard for the environment:

The sound in your ears, the sight in your eyes, everything you feel, and every breath of your life, it comes from the earth, but where does it go? Down to the river, into the sea, back to the soil, it's a natural flow.

These lines emphasize the vital role played by the earth in providing us with the basic necessities of life. It’s highlighting that humans’ neglectful behavior towards their surroundings can be detrimental to our existence, as well as to other animals and living organisms. The song makes a plea for taking care of the planet, before it is too late.

I Am An Animal draws an analogy between human beings and animals, emphasizing that both feel pain and have emotional thresholds:

I'm not different from a cow or a bird, a pig or a deer, we're not so absurd, with eyes to see and ears to hear, we can feel pain and also fear.

It's a bittersweet way of showing that animals are capable of emotions and reactions just as intelligent as humans. The subtleness of these verses marks it as a criticism of using animals for human consumption, campaigns against cruelty, and exploitation. It aims to awaken empathy towards animals, reminding us that they too deserve compassion, care, and freedom.

The chorus Can you hear me calling out? represents the plea and protest of the song, looking for an answer, begging people to go back to the origins of humanity to create a sustainable existence:

Can you hear me calling out, hear me shout, don't let me be left out, we need to change our world.

This stanza asks for participation in a change of attitude. It's a cry for recognizing animals as sentient beings worthy of compassion, and nature as a boon that must be conserved. Because if we don't, we will undoubtedly suffer, and future generations will suffer even worse consequences.

The next set of lines pushes the concept of social responsibility, asserting that our decisions impact those around us, including animals:

Every step that you take, every move that you make, every decision you make, affects all living things on this earth today.

The message conveyed here couldn't be any clearer. The notion that every action has a consequence is emphasized. The words evoke a sense of duty, to take care of the planet, look out for the ecosystem, and have a broader vision for the world we live in.

As the song progresses, the lyrics become more explicit on the need for a positive change:

If we all work together, we can make it right, all we need is love and a little foresight.

This stanza highlights the call to come together as a community, united in the pursuit of sustainability and compassion for nature. It's an invitation to prioritize empathy over individual interests, a plea to take care of the planet, not just for human existence but every living being’s.

The last few lines of the song summarize its message and emphasize the importance of personal responsibility and accountability in protecting the natural world:

I am an animal; you are an animal too. Together, we can make a difference. Let's preserve this beautiful world for future generations.

These lines drive home the responsibility that every person bears for the planet and all creatures that live on it. It's a reminder that we can make positive changes that will benefit the earth and ourselves. The call to action includes a plea to be accountable, to stand up for what's right, and to preserve the planet as a legacy for future generations.

Closing Message:

I Am An Animal is undoubtedly a powerful song with lyrics that resonate across generations. Its simple yet profound message highlights the responsibility we humans have towards the environment and all living creatures inhabiting it. By acknowledging the significance of every action, the lyrics urge us to create a more sustainable, compassionate, and empathetic world for ourselves, future generations, and other species. I Am An Animal shows that art has the power to communicate complex ideas and motivate change in society.

People Also Ask about I Am An Animal Lyrics

What is the meaning of I Am An Animal by Pink?

The song I Am An Animal by Pink talks about embracing one's primal instincts and letting go of societal expectations. It encourages listeners to tap into their wild side and live freely without judgment from others.

Who wrote the lyrics of I Am An Animal?

The lyrics of I Am An Animal were written by Pink and Billy Mann. Mann is a multi-platinum selling songwriter and producer who has worked with artists such as Cher, Celine Dion, and Backstreet Boys.

What inspired Pink to write I Am An Animal?

Pink was inspired to write I Am An Animal after attending Burning Man, an annual festival held in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada. The festival celebrates self-expression and artistic freedom, which aligned with the message of the song.

Is there a music video for I Am An Animal?

No, there is no official music video for I Am An Animal.

What genre does I Am An Animal belong to?

I Am An Animal is classified as an alternative rock and pop rock song.

Has Pink performed I Am An Animal live?

As of 2021, Pink has not performed I Am An Animal live.

What album is I Am An Animal on?

I Am An Animal is a single released by Pink and is not part of any album.

How can I listen to I Am An Animal?

You can listen to I Am An Animal on various streaming platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube.