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Say Goodbye to Stressful Nights with Animal Scents T-Away Essential Oil Blend

Say Goodbye to Stressful Nights with Animal Scents T-Away Essential Oil Blend

Do you have a furry friend at home? Are they easily spooked by thunderstorms, fireworks, or strange noises? If so, you are not alone. Many pet owners struggle with finding ways to calm their beloved pets when they become anxious or frightened. Luckily, there is a solution on the market that may help alleviate your pet's stress and anxiety: Animal Scents T-Away.

Animal Scents T-Away is an essential oil blend specifically designed for animals. It is made up of a combination of oils that have been known to soothe and calm animals, such as Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Frankincense, and Tangerine. The scent is gentle and pleasing for most animals, making it easy to administer.

Not only is Animal Scents T-Away perfect for calming pets during stressful situations, but it can also help with behavior problems. Some pets may display aggressive or destructive behavior when stressed, and using this essential oil blend could help curb those behaviors.

Transitioning to a new home can be incredibly stressful for both humans and animals. Animal Scents T-Away is a great resource to have during the process. Simply diffuse the oil in your new home or apply it directly to your pet's fur to help them adjust to their new surroundings.

Did you know that scent plays a crucial role in an animal's life? In fact, many animals rely heavily on their sense of smell to navigate their environment. Using essential oils like Animal Scents T-Away can help create a positive and comforting environment for your pet.

If you have a pet that experiences motion sickness, try using Animal Scents T-Away before car rides or trips. Its calming properties may help alleviate your pet's nausea and discomfort.

Does your pet struggle with separation anxiety? Animal Scents T-Away can help with that too. Simply apply the oil on your pet's bedding or in their crate to help them feel more at ease when you are away.

It is important to note that not all essential oils are safe for pets. However, Animal Scents T-Away has been specifically formulated to be gentle and safe for animals when used correctly.

In addition to its calming properties, Animal Scents T-Away also has a pleasant aroma that can benefit humans as well. Its blend of essential oils can help promote relaxation and reduce stress levels for pet owners as well.

Animal Scents T-Away is a natural and non-invasive solution for pet anxiety and stress. It provides a gentle alternative to pharmaceuticals and other unnatural approaches. Give it a try and see if it makes a difference for your furry friend!

Are you ready to provide your pet with a calming and anxiety-free environment? Give Animal Scents T-Away a try and see the difference it can make. Your furry friend will thank you.

Animal Scents T-Away
"Animal Scents T-Away" ~ bbaz


Many of us lead busy lives, filled with stress, anxiety, and tension. Animals are no different. They too experience a wide range of emotions, and if they are not able to release their pent-up feelings, they can begin to display disruptive behavior. Animal Scents T-Away is an essential oil blend that helps soothe and calm the pets.

What is Animal Scents T-Away?

Animal Scents T-Away is a mixture of Young Living essential oils specially formulated for pets. It contains a blend of Frankincense, Tangerine, Ylang-ylang, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, and Blue Tansy. These oils have been selected for their powerful calming properties.

How Does it Work?

When applied topically or diffused in the air, Animal Scents T-Away works to promote relaxation, calm aggression and ease hyper-active behavior. It helps pets feel more comfortable in stressful situations such as thunderstorms, fireworks, and car rides.

Benefits of Using Animal Scents T-Away

There are numerous benefits associated with using Animal Scents T-Away on your pets. The key benefits include:

Promotes relaxation

Many pets suffer from anxiety, which can lead to them displaying disruptive behavior such as excessive barking or destructive chewing. By promoting relaxation in pets, Animal Scents T-Away helps calm anxious behavior.

Eases hyperactivity

Some pets are naturally high energy, and this can sometimes manifest as hyperactivity. Animal Scents T-Away helps reduce hyperactivity by promoting focus and calmness.

Cuts down on aggressive behavior

Aggressive behavior exhibited by pets can be a result of many underlying causes such as fear or territorial instincts. Animal Scents T-Away promotes a sense of calm and helps cut down on aggressive behavior.

How to Use Animal Scents T-Away

There are several ways to use Animal Scents T-Away effectively.

Topical Application

Apply a small amount to your hands and then massage onto your pets' paws, spine, or chest. Make sure to avoid the eyes, nose, and mouth.


Add a few drops of Animal Scents T-Away essential oil blend to a diffuser or vaporizer and let it disperse throughout the room.

Direct Inhalation

Simply open the bottle, let your pet smell the aroma of the oil, and relax.


As with all essential oils, there are some precautions you should take when using Animal Scents T-Away.

Avoid contact with eyes, nose, and mouth

Make sure to apply the oil to areas where your pet cannot reach it and ensure that they do not accidentally consume it.

Do not use on cats

Animal Scents T-Away should not be used on cats as felines lack the necessary enzymes to metabolize many essential oils.


In conclusion, Animal Scents T-Away is an excellent addition to any pet owner's toolkit. The essential oil blend helps promote relaxation, ease hyperactivity, and reduce aggressive behavior. With proper usage, you can provide your pets with a sense of calmness and comfort in stressful situations. As always, before using any essential oil, make sure to consult with your veterinarian to ensure that it is safe for your pet.

Animal Scents T-Away: A Comparison of Alternative Animal Scents


When it comes to taking care of our pets, we want to give the best attention possible. One thing that we have to pay attention to is their sense of smell. Animals are known for their heightened senses, especially their sense of smell. That's why it's important to choose the right product, like animal scents, to help them calm down or adjust to new situations. This article aims to compare Animal Scents T-Away with other alternative animal scents available in the market, like pet shampoos or sprays.

What is Animal Scents T-Away?

Animal Scents T-Away is a blend of essential oils specifically designed for animals. It's a calming and relaxing aroma that can help animals adapt to new environments or stressful situations. The blend is safe to use on both cats and dogs. The essential oils that make up T-Away include Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Frankincense, Valerian, and Black Spruce.

Pet Shampoos vs. Animal Scents T-Away

Pet shampoos are a common alternative for animal scents. Pet shampoos are formulated with essential oils and other ingredients to clean and condition your pet's skin and fur. However, pet shampoos often contain chemicals and synthetic fragrances that may harm your pet's skin and cause allergic reactions. On the other hand, Animal Scents T-Away is a blend of natural essential oils that's gentle and safe for your pets. Unlike pet shampoos, T-Away is not meant to be applied directly to your pet’s fur. Instead, it should be diffused in the air, creating a calming aroma.

Pet Sprays vs. Animal Scents T-Away

Pet sprays, like pet shampoos, are another alternative animal scent product. These sprays help to reduce odors and provide a pleasant smell for your pet. However, like shampoos, pet sprays also contain chemicals and synthetic fragrances that may harm your pets. Animal Scents T-Away, on the other hand, is an all-natural blend of essential oils that creates a calming and relaxing atmosphere. Moreover, pet sprays need to be constantly reapplied to maintain the scent, whereas T-Away only needs to be diffused once or twice a day.

How to Use Animal Scents T-Away

As mentioned earlier, Animal Scents T-Away is not meant to be applied directly to your pet's fur. Instead, it should be diffused in the air using a diffuser. The recommended number of drops to use is 1-2 drops per diffusion. It's important to note that the diffuser should not be left unattended when in use around your pets.

Animal Scents T-Away vs. Other Animal Scents

Animal Scents T-Away Pet Shampoo Pet Spray
Ingredients Natural essential oils Synthetic fragrances and chemicals Synthetic fragrances and chemicals
Use Diffusion around pets Direct application on pets Direct application on pets
Safety Safe for pets May contain harmful chemicals and synthetic fragrances May contain harmful chemicals and synthetic fragrances
Effectiveness Creates a calming and relaxing atmosphere Cleans and conditions pet's fur Reduces odors and provides a pleasant scent
Given the table comparison, it is clear that Animal Scents T-Away is the safest and most natural option. Furthermore, it's the only option that doesn't require direct application to your pets. This makes T-Away an ideal choice for pets with sensitive skin or allergies.


Taking care of our pets requires a lot of attention. That's why choosing the right products for them, like animal scents, is important. In this comparison article, we've seen how Animal Scents T-Away is the best option when compared to other alternatives like pet shampoos or sprays. It's a blend of natural essential oils that creates a calming and relaxing atmosphere, making it safe and effective for our furry friends. So why not do what's best for your pet and choose Animal Scents T-Away!

Tips and Tutorial: Understanding the Benefits of Animal Scents T-Away for your Pets


As pet owners, we all want our furry friends to live long, healthy, and stress-free lives. This is why we go above and beyond to provide quality food, comfortable shelter, and adequate medical care to meet their needs. Fortunately, you can now add essential oils to the list of things that can help you achieve this. In particular, Animal Scents T-Away is an excellent essential oil product that can enhance your pet's overall well-being.

What is Animal Scents T-Away?

Animal Scents T-Away is a blend of pure therapeutic-grade essential oils specifically designed to support emotional balance in animals. It is created from a combination of Geranium, Tangerine, Ylang Ylang, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, and other essential oils that work synergistically to promote feelings of security and comfort in pets.

Why Use Animal Scents T-Away for Your Pets?

Whether your pet is dealing with separation anxiety, trauma, fear, or emotional stress, Animal Scents T-Away can help to calm them down by neutralizing negative emotions. Additionally, it can help to create a serene environment for your pets, especially during stressful times like traveling, veterinary visits, or kenneling. Here are some benefits of using T-Away for your pets:

1. Promotes Relaxation

The essential oils in Animal Scents T-Away are known for their calming properties and can help your pets feel more relaxed and less anxious. They help to soothe the nervous system, which is vital for eliminating hyperactivity and agitation.

2. Supports Emotional Wellness

Animal Scents T-Away helps to curb negative feelings and can support emotional wellness in your pets. The blend of essential oils used in this product creates a positive and uplifting feeling, which helps to improve overall mood and emotional health.

3. Enhances Bonding

To strengthen the bond between you and your pet, you can incorporate Animal Scents T-Away into your bonding activities. For instance, you can diffuse the essential oil or rub it on their bedding before cuddling or playing with them. This will create a positive association and strengthen your relationship.

4. Safe and Non-toxic

Animal Scents T-Away is non-toxic and safe to use around pets. It's also easy to use and can be incorporated into your everyday routine. However, it's important to note that you should always follow the recommended guidelines for using essential oils on pets and consult with your veterinarian before using any new product.

How to Use Animal Scents T-Away

There are several ways to use Animal Scents T-Away for pets. Here are some of the most popular methods:

1. Aromatherapy

You can diffuse Animal Scents T-Away in your pet's living space to create a relaxing and refreshing atmosphere. It's important to use a pet-friendly diffuser and to follow the guidelines for essential oil diffusion. For best results, diffuse 5-7 drops of T-Away for 15-20 minutes, once or twice daily.

2. Topical Application

You can apply one to three drops of Animal Scents T-Away topically on the base of your pet's ears or on their paws, spine, or shoulders. This will help to ensure that they receive the full calming benefits of the essential oils. It's important to dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil before applying it to your pet's skin.

3. Ingestion

Ingesting essential oils can be dangerous for pets and should only be done under the guidance of a qualified veterinarian. Therefore it is advisable not to feed it to your pets.


Animal Scents T-Away is an excellent alternative to traditional pet calming products, which are often filled with chemicals and unnecessary additives. By using this product, you can support your pet's emotional well-being and enhance their quality of life. Remember to use Animal Scents T-Away responsibly, closely monitor your pet's response, and consult your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns.

Animal Scents T-Away: The Essential Oil for Your Pet's Emotional Well-Being

As pet owners, we all want to ensure that our furry friends live happy and healthy lives. One aspect of pet care that often gets overlooked is their emotional well-being. Animals are highly sensitive beings, and just like humans, they experience emotions such as fear, anxiety, and stress.

This is where Animal Scents T-Away comes in as an essential oil blend designed specifically for pets. The oil is made up of a combination of pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils, including Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Frankincense, Tangerine, Ylang Ylang, Black Spruce, and more. These oils work together to create a calming and balancing effect on your pet's emotions.

If you're wondering how essential oils can benefit your pet's emotional health, keep reading. In this article, we will discuss the different ways in which Animal Scents T-Away can help your pet feel calm, relaxed, and stress-free.

1. Calming Effects

Animal Scents T-Away has a unique composition of essential oils that have calming effects on pets. The blend works by influencing the limbic system, which is responsible for emotions, behavior, and memory. The oils help to balance and soothe the system, promoting feelings of relaxation and calmness. You can use it during thunderstorms, car rides or visits to the vet.

2. Reducing Anxiety

The natural compounds found in essential oils can also aid in reducing anxiety in pets. This makes Animal Scents T-Away an excellent option for pets that suffer from separation anxiety or stress-induced behavioral problems.

3. Promoting Sleep

Just like humans, pets require adequate sleep to maintain their health and well-being. Animal Scents T-Away can help promote restful and peaceful sleep by easing nerves and creating a relaxing atmosphere. You can use it before bedtime or if your pet is having trouble sleeping.

4. Supporting Positive Emotions

Essential oils such as Ylang Ylang and Black Spruce have mood-boosting effects on pets. Using Animal Scents T-Away regularly can help enhance feelings of well-being, happiness, and optimism in your pet.

5. Aiding in Training

Pets that are anxious or stressed may struggle with training. Animal Scents T-Away can assist in making training easier by promoting calmer behavior and a more receptive attitude. You can use it during training sessions to encourage a positive experience for your pet.

6. Reducing Aggression

Aggressive behavior in pets is often caused by fear, anxiety, or stress. Animal Scents T-Away can help reduce aggression in pets by calming the nervous system and promoting relaxation.

7. Reducing Car Sickness

If your pet becomes dizzy or nauseous during car rides, you can use Animal Scents T-Away to help relieve symptoms. The oil's calming properties can aid in reducing motion sickness, making car rides more comfortable for your furry friend.

Closing Message

As pet owners, we all want to provide our pets with the best care possible, including their emotional well-being. Animal Scents T-Away is an excellent addition to your pet's wellness routine, offering a natural and effective way to promote relaxation, calmness, and overall emotional balance.

Remember to use Animal Scents T-Away responsibly, following the instructions carefully and avoiding contact with sensitive areas of your pet's body. If you have any concerns about your pet's behavior or health, consult with a trusted veterinarian.

Try Animal Scents T-Away today and watch as your pet experiences the benefits of this remarkable essential oil blend.

People Also Ask About Animal Scents T-Away

What is Animal Scents T-Away?

Animal Scents T-Away is an essential oil blend made by Young Living specifically for animals. It's designed to help keep pets calm and relaxed in stressful situations.

What are the ingredients in Animal Scents T-Away?

Animal Scents T-Away is made of a blend of essential oils, including Ylang Ylang, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Lime, Coriander, Bergamot, Jasmine, Geranium, Blue Tansy, and Rose.

How do I use Animal Scents T-Away for my pet?

Animal Scents T-Away can be used aromatically or topically on your pet. To use aromatically, simply diffuse the oil in a diffuser around your pet's sleeping area or in the room where they spend most of their time. To use topically, dilute a drop or two in a carrier oil like coconut oil and apply to your pet's fur or paw pads.

Is Animal Scents T-Away safe for all pets?

While Animal Scents T-Away is generally safe for most pets, it's important to test for sensitivity before applying topically. Additionally, some pets may be sensitive to certain essential oils, so it's always best to consult with a veterinarian before using any new products on your pet.

What kind of situations can Animal Scents T-Away help with?

Animal Scents T-Away can help ease anxiety and nervousness in pets during stressful situations such as car rides, thunderstorms, or visits to the vet. It can also help reduce the stress that some animals experience when you are not around, like when you go to work or run errands.

Can I use Animal Scents T-Away on myself?

Yes, you can also use Animal Scents T-Away on yourself to help create a calming and relaxing environment. Dilute a drop or two in a carrier oil like coconut oil and apply to your wrists or neck to enjoy the aroma throughout the day.

  • Animal Scents T-Away is designed to keep pets calm and relaxed
  • The blend essential oils includes Ylang Ylang, Royal Hawaiian Sandalwood, Lime, Coriander, Bergamot, Jasmine, Geranium, Blue Tansy, and Rose.
  • To use, it can be applied topically or used aromatically with a diffuser
  • It's important to consult with a veterinarian before use and to test for sensitivity
  • Animal Scents T-Away can help ease anxiety during stressful situations
  • It can also be used on humans to create a calming and relaxing environment