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How to Prevent Animal Damage: Tips for Dealing with Digging Holes Around Your Foundation.

How to Prevent Animal Damage: Tips for Dealing with Digging Holes Around Your Foundation.

Animal digging holes around the foundation can be frustrating and harmful to your property's integrity. Whether it's squirrels, rabbits, or moles, these animals can burrow and break through your foundation walls, draining your finances and patience. In this article, we will discuss the reasons why animals dig holes around the foundation and what steps you can take to stop them.

Firstly, why do animals dig holes around the foundation? One reason could be for shelter and protection. Animals like rabbits and groundhogs often use burrows as a place to hide from predators and harsh weather conditions. They may also dig to create a place to raise their young. Another reason could be for food storage. Squirrels and chipmunks store nuts in holes, and moles dig tunnels to search for earthworms and other insects.

However, despite the animal's natural instincts, their digging habits can damage your property. The holes they burrow can weaken the soil around your foundation, leading to cracking and settling of your home. These holes can also cause tripping hazards, posing a risk to your family and friends. Additionally, animals that access your home's interior can leave behind droppings and chewed up wires, which can be expensive to fix.

So, how to stop these critters from digging around your foundation? One solution is to install barriers around your home's perimeter. This can include mesh wire fencing or gravel-filled trenches, which will deter animals from burrowing. Another option is to use repellents, such as predator urine or castor oil, which can make your property less attractive to animals.

You could also try filling the holes with soil or rocks regularly, making it more challenging for the animals to dig through. Be sure to keep your home's surroundings clean and maintained by trimming shrubs and bushes and picking up debris, which can reduce the areas' attractiveness for animals to live.

Furthermore, consider contacting a professional pest control service. They can offer several methods of removing unwanted animal populations from burrowing pests, including traps and baits without causing them harm. They can also advise on further steps to prevent future infestations.

It's essential to address any animal digging holes around your foundation promptly. The longer you wait, the more costly and dangerous the problem will become. Remember to take preventative measures to avoid unwelcome animal visitors in the future.

In conclusion, animal digging around the foundation is a common issue that homeowners face. But don't lose hope; there are solutions to eradicate and prevent this problem. From barriers and repellents to scheduled maintenance and professional help, choose what works for you and protect your home. Remember, a proactive approach will save you money in the long term.

Animal Digging Holes Around Foundation
"Animal Digging Holes Around Foundation" ~ bbaz

The Problem with Animal Digging Holes Around Foundations


Animals are fascinating creatures that share the world with us, but sometimes they can become a nuisance when they start to dig holes around our homes, especially near the foundation. This can be a real problem that needs attention as soon as possible. The damage caused by animal digging can eventually lead to cracks in the foundation, making your home unstable and unsafe.

Why Do Animals Dig Holes?

Animals have their reasons for digging holes around foundations. For instance, moles and gophers dig holes to look for food, create burrows or nesting areas. On the other hand, skunks and armadillos will dig to create dens or living quarters. Other animals like rabbits and groundhogs will dig holes to escape predators or find shelter from the weather elements.

The Risks of Animal Digging around Foundations

The main risk of animals digging around your foundation is that it can weaken the structure of your home. These holes eventually lead to water seepage, which can damage the foundation walls. Moreover, the holes can become a breeding ground for insects and rodents that may eventually infiltrate your home. Apart from damaging your property, these creatures can pose potential health risks. The presence of small animals can attract bigger predators like coyotes and foxes, increasing the possibility of wildlife encounters.

How to Identify Animal Damage

It's essential to keep an eye out for signs of animal activity around the foundation area. Some of the common signs include:- Multiple mounds of soil- Irregular patterns of turf damage- An increase in pest populations- Sagging floors or buckling wallsIf you notice any of these signs, you should take immediate action to prevent further damage.

What to Do When Animals Dig Holes Around Your Foundation

If you suspect animal digging around your foundation, you should contact a wildlife professional to inspect your property and determine the type of animals that are causing the damage. Wildlife professionals will identify the animals that have infiltrated your home and offer effective solutions for removal.

Prevention Techniques

Though it may be difficult to prevent animals from digging, there are several measures property owners can take to deter their activity. Fence off your yard or garden area to keep animals from entering. Furthermore, homeowners can install motion-sensor lighting to scare away nocturnal animals that prey on your garden or yard at night. If possible, avoid using fertilizers that attract animals to dig, ensuring they stay clear of your property and helping you maintain a healthy garden.


Animal digging around the foundation can cause significant problems for homeowners. A weakened foundation can lead to structural issues, pest infestations, and potential health risks. Contact a wildlife specialist immediately if you suspect animal damages around your home. Together, you can identify effective prevention methods to ensure that your safety and property remain intact.

Animal Digging Holes Around Foundation: A Comparison


When we see animals digging holes around our house's foundation, it can be frustrating. Not only do these holes pose a risk to the structural integrity of our homes, but they can also cause safety hazards. But what causes these animals to dig holes, and how can we prevent them from doing so? In this article, we will compare three common animals that dig holes around foundations - moles, chipmunks, and groundhogs - and discuss the best ways to deter them.


Moles are small rodents that burrow underground, creating a network of tunnels and mounds of soil. They primarily feed on insects, grubs, and earthworms, which they detect using their keen sense of smell. Moles dig deep, permanent burrows that can be more than 10 inches underground, and often leave behind raised mole hills.

Many people believe that moles are responsible for damaging plants and lawns, but this is not the case. In fact, moles are beneficial to gardens because they eat pests that damage plants. However, their burrowing can cause damage to foundations as the soil becomes loosened and unstable. Additionally, their tunnels can create tripping hazards in lawns and gardens.

Prevention and Removal

To prevent moles from digging holes around your foundation, you can use physical barriers such as mesh or wire cloth. You can also remove their food source by using pesticides or traps to get rid of the grubs and insects they feed on. If you already have a mole problem, you can use mole repellents or hire a professional to trap and remove them.


Chipmunks are small, ground-dwelling squirrels that are known for their cute appearance and playful behavior. They dig burrows that can be up to 30 feet long and have multiple entrances/exits, with one located near the foundation of your home. Chipmunks primarily feed on nuts, seeds, and fruit and can be found in wooded areas, gardens, and lawns.

Unlike moles, chipmunks can cause significant damage to homes and foundations. Chipmunks are notorious for chewing through electrical wires, insulation, and wood in search of food or shelter. Their burrowing can also loosen and destabilize the soil around foundations, which can lead to cracks and water damage.

Prevention and Removal

To prevent chipmunks from burrowing around your foundation, you can use mesh wire barriers or gravel or stones. You can also remove any food sources around your home, such as birdseed or pet food, which can attract chipmunks. If you already have a chipmunk problem, trapping and relocating them is the most effective way to remove them.


Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, are large burrowing rodents that spend most of their time underground. They look similar to beavers with bushy tails and thick fur, but they are much smaller and do not live near water sources. Groundhogs can dig deep, permanent burrows that can be up to 66 feet long and have multiple chambers and entrances. They primarily feed on vegetation, including garden plants, shrubs, and trees.

Groundhogs are a significant threat to foundations because they dig large burrows that can weaken the soil around foundations and cause structural damage. Additionally, their feeding habits can destroy gardens and landscaping, making them a nuisance to homeowners.

Prevention and Removal

To prevent groundhogs from digging around your foundation, you can use physical barriers such as wire mesh or gravel. You can also remove any vegetation around your home that groundhogs may be attracted to. If you already have a groundhog problem, trapping and relocating them is the most effective way to remove them.

Comparison Table

Animal Primary Food Source Type of Burrow Damage to Foundations Prevention and Removal
Moles Insects, grubs, earthworms Deep, permanent tunnels Loosens soil, creates tripping hazards Physical barriers, remove food source, repellents, or professional removal
Chipmunks Nuts, seeds, fruit Burrows up to 30 feet long with multiple entrances/exits Chew through electrical wires, insulation, and wood, loosens soil Mesh wire barriers, remove food sources, trapping and relocation
Groundhogs Vegetation Large burrows up to 66 feet long with multiple chambers and entrances Destroys gardens and landscaping, weakens soil around foundations Physical barriers, remove vegetation, trapping and relocation


In summary, animals digging holes around foundations can be frustrating and harmful to our homes. Moles, chipmunks, and groundhogs are common culprits that can cause structural damage, tripping hazards, and destroy gardens. However, prevention and removal measures are available, such as physical barriers, removing food sources, and trapping and relocation. By understanding the habits and needs of these animals, homeowners can effectively deter them and protect their home from damage.

Tips to Prevent Animals from Digging Holes Around Your Foundation


Animals can cause significant damage to your property by digging holes around the foundation. These holes can weaken the structural integrity of your home, which can lead to costly repairs. Furthermore, animals that dig holes can create safety hazards for you and your family. Therefore, it's important to take preventative measures to prevent animals from making holes around your foundation.

Understanding Why Animals Dig Holes Around Foundations

Various factors can cause animals to dig holes around foundations. Here are some of those factors:

Finding Shelter

One of the primary reasons animals dig holes around the foundation is finding shelter. For example, rabbits, woodchucks, and other burrowing animals love to find a cozy area where they can hide from predators, extreme weather conditions, and raise their young ones.

Food Source

Another reason animals make holes around the foundation is to find food sources. Animals such as squirrels, rats, and mice often dig holes to look for food like nuts or insects.


Lastly, sometimes, animals might dig holes due to territorial claims. Some animals like skunks, moles, and voles can be extremely territorial and will dig holes around your foundation to mark their territory.

Tips to Prevent Animals from Digging Holes Around Your Foundation

Here are some tips to prevent animals from digging holes around your foundation:

Install Barriers

One of the most effective ways to prevent animals from digging holes around your foundation is by installing barriers. You can use hardware cloth, mesh, or fence around your foundation to keep animals out.

Fill Existing Holes

If you notice existing holes around your foundation, it's essential to fill them up. You can use gravel, stones, or dirt to cover the holes. Ensure you tamp down the fill material to prevent sinkage.

Eliminate Food Sources

Another way of preventing animals from digging holes around your foundation is by eliminating any food sources. Make sure to clean any food leftovers in your yard, keep trash in secure containers, and avoid feeding animals.

Use Repellents

There are numerous animal repellents you can use to deter animals around your foundation. Consider using natural deterrents such as plant-based formulas instead of chemical-based solutions.

Trim Overhanging Trees

Overhanging tree limbs provide easy access for animals to get on your roof and eventually dig holes around your foundation. Therefore, it's essential to trim any overhanging tree limbs around your foundation.

Maintain Your Yard

Lastly, maintaining your yard is another way to prevent animals from digging holes around your foundation. Regularly cutting your grass, pruning bushes and plants, and keeping the yard clutter-free can help make your yard less attractive to animals.


Taking preventative measures to prevent animals from digging holes around your foundation can save you money in the long run. Remember, you don't have to do everything at once; even small preventative measures can go a long way in stopping these critters from causing damage to your property. Implement one or more of the above tips today to protect your home from animals.

Animal Digging Holes Around Foundation: A Sign of a Serious Problem

Welcome to our blog post on animal digging holes around the foundation. Are you concerned about the hole-digging habits of animals in your yard? Do you know that animal holes around your foundation can be a sign of a more serious problem? In this article, we'll discuss some of the most common animals that dig holes in and around foundations, the hazards associated with these holes, and how to keep them from causing structural or safety issues.

Firstly, it's important to point out that animals that dig shallow or deep holes around your foundation may be causing significant damage to your property without your knowledge. Animals such as skunks, squirrels, raccoons, and other burrowing creatures might find ideal nesting spots on your property and start to dig holes in your yard. These animals often dig deep holes into the ground at random places and can be very persistent in their attempts to create a safe haven for themselves and their young.

To make the situation worse, animals like skunks are notorious for digging inside crawl spaces and beneath porches, decks, and sheds to create dens. The damage caused by these animals may go unnoticed until it becomes a serious structural problem (mold, structural problems, and rotten wood). Therefore, if you see signs of animal activity around your foundation, it's best to treat it seriously and take action before it turns into a nightmare.

Before discussing how to deal with animal digging holes around the foundation, it's important to identify different hole types and their respective problems. Shallow holes or depression scattered in your lawn can be attributed to scratching birds searching for worms and insects. On the other hand, rodent holes tend to be deeper, clearly dug holes on the yard or along the foundation and are usually indicative of bigger problems.

Now that you know how to identify the holes, let's explore what can happen if you leave the holes undiscovered and unaddressed. If left untreated, animal holes around foundations can cause a variety of problems, including damage to pipes and underground utilities if they encounter them during their digging, weakening the foundation, leading to water infiltration and flood damage if left unchecked.

It's essential to take immediate action when you find signs of animal activity around your foundation because the longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to address the problem. Here are some approaches to preventing damage from animal hole digging:

1. Exclusion

This approach aims to keep animals out of the foundation areas where they're likely to damage it with their digging. You can use materials such as gravel or fine mesh buried under the ground to deter animals from digging near or under the foundation. Installing metal barriers around structures like decks and sheds will also help keep out burrowing animals.

2. Repellents

If you don't want to employ exclusion, repellents can be effective in keeping animals away from digging under your foundation. Repellents are traditionally a mixture of natural ingredients that dissuade animals from accessing restricted areas. Some examples of these repellents range from aromatic essential oils, coffee grounds, and vinegar, among others. However, it's good to note that not all repellents will work for all animals, so you need to choose yours carefully.

3. Trapping and removal

In cases where animals have already invaded the area around the foundation, trapping and removal might be the best option. To avoid breaking any local animal control regulations or harming the animal, it's best to leave this part of the job to experienced professionals to make sure the animals are removed safely and humanely.

As we conclude, remember that animals digging holes around your foundation can lead to structural problems you might only notice late. To avoid this, we encourage you to inspect your yard regularly and take prompt action when you spot animal activities. Employ exclusion measures, repellants, or animal trapping if necessary. Remember that early intervention is key to avoiding costly damage.

Thank you for reading! Stay safe!

People Also Ask About Animal Digging Holes Around Foundation

What animals are known for digging holes around foundations?

Several animals are known for digging holes around foundations, including:

  1. Raccoons - They are known to dig holes in search of food, especially in gardens and yards
  2. Squirrels - They are known to dig holes for burrows in the soil near the foundation
  3. Opossums - They are known to dig holes under the foundation to create a den or shelter for themselves
  4. Moles - They are known to dig tunnels underground, which can cause damage to the foundation

Why do animals dig holes around foundations?

Animals dig holes around foundations for several reasons, which include:

  • Finding food - Some animals like raccoons, squirrels, and skunks dig holes around the foundation to search for food.
  • Burrows - Animals like squirrels and opossums dig holes around the foundation to create a burrow where they can live and keep their young.
  • Shelter - Some animals like opossums and groundhogs dig holes under the foundation to create a shelter for themselves.
  • Escape route - Animals may dig holes as an escape route when threatened by predators.

Can animals digging holes around the foundation cause damage to my home?

Yes, animals digging holes around the foundation can cause damage to your home. Here are some ways it can happen:

  • Soil erosion - The holes dug by animals can cause soil erosion around the foundation, which can destabilize it over time.
  • Water damage - When it rains, water can enter the holes dug by animals, causing water damage to the foundation over time.
  • Foundation cracks - The tunnels dug by animals underground can cause foundation cracks, which can lead to severe structural damage if left unattended.

What can I do to prevent animals from digging holes around the foundation of my home?

You can take several steps to prevent animals from digging holes around your foundation:

  1. Seal off any entry points into your home - Animals like raccoons and skunks can gain entry into your home through small openings, so seal them off to prevent them from entering.
  2. Remove food sources - Keep your yard and garden clean by removing any potential food sources that may attract animals.
  3. Install motion-activated lights - Animals are less likely to approach your home if it's well-lit.
  4. Use repellents - There are several animal repellents available in the market that can deter animals from approaching your home.
  5. Call a pest control professional - If you're experiencing a severe animal infestation, it's best to call a professional pest control service to handle the problem.