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Build a Winter Wonderland with Animal Crossing New Leaf Snowballs: Tips and Tricks

Build a Winter Wonderland with Animal Crossing New Leaf Snowballs: Tips and Tricks

Are you an avid gamer looking for a fun and relaxing game to play? Look no further than Animal Crossing: New Leaf! In this beloved game, players take on the role of mayor of their own town, decorating and managing it however they see fit. And with the winter season upon us, there's even more to explore and enjoy. One of the most exciting features this time of year? Snowballs!

For those who haven't played before, snowballs are exactly what they sound like—round balls of snow that players can roll around and use to build snowmen. But did you know that there's more to snowballs in Animal Crossing: New Leaf than meets the eye? Let's dive in!

First off, did you know that snowballs can be found in different sizes? This may not seem like a big deal, but it actually has a major impact on gameplay. Larger snowballs are harder to push around, but they allow players to build bigger snowmen. Smaller snowballs are easier to move, but make for smaller snowmen. Depending on your preferences and goals, you may want to prioritize finding one size over the other.

And speaking of building snowmen—did you know that the snowmen in Animal Crossing: New Leaf have unique personalities? That's right, every snowman you build will have its own quirks and interests. For example, one may love sports while another is a music buff. These personality traits can affect the rewards you receive for building and maintaining the snowman over time.

Plus, building snowmen isn't just a fun little feature for winter—it can actually help advance the player's gameplay. By building a perfect snowman (which requires specific ratios of snowball sizes), players can earn rare items and furniture that they wouldn't be able to acquire otherwise. So not only is it cute and entertaining, but it can also help you progress in the game!

Of course, with great rewards come great responsibilities. In order to keep your snowman happy and healthy, you'll need to check on him every day to make sure he's not melting or falling apart. And if you neglect him for too long, he'll disappear altogether! It may be tempting to let him be once you've gotten what you want from him, but trust us—keeping your snowman thriving is worth it in the long run.

So how exactly do you go about building a snowman in Animal Crossing: New Leaf? It's actually pretty simple! First, locate two snowballs of different sizes. Roll one around until it's big enough (but not too big!) to use as the snowman's body. Then, roll the other one around until it's small enough to be used as his head. Once you have both snowballs in the right sizes, place the head on top of the body and watch as your snowman comes to life.

But wait—there's more! Did you know that you can actually customize your snowman's face? Using different pieces of fruit, players can give their snowman a unique expression. Want him to look happy? Use a cherry for his mouth. Want him to look sassy? Use a citrus fruit for his eyes. The possibilities are endless!

All in all, building snowmen in Animal Crossing: New Leaf is a fun and rewarding pastime that's perfect for the winter season. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, we hope this guide has inspired you to try your hand at rolling some snowballs and seeing what kind of snowman you can create.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your gloves and get to rolling!

Animal Crossing New Leaf Snowballs
"Animal Crossing New Leaf Snowballs" ~ bbaz

The Joy of Snowballs in Animal Crossing New Leaf

Animal Crossing New Leaf is a popular video game that has been gaining attention from players worldwide since its release in 2013. Known for its cute characters and calming gameplay, this game has captured the hearts of many.One feature of Animal Crossing New Leaf that players can’t help but love is the appearance of snowballs during the winter season. These icy spheres are a source of joy and entertainment for both new and veteran players alike.

How to Create a Snowball in Animal Crossing New Leaf

To create snowballs, players need to wait for the winter season to arrive in-game. Once the ground is covered with snow, players can begin to search for the two snowballs that spawn every day. These snowballs are usually found near trees or rocks and between the hours of 6 am - 4 pm.Once players have found both snowballs, they can start rolling them around to make them larger. As the snowball gets bigger, players will need to be careful not to roll it off any cliffs or into any bodies of water.After the snowball has reached its maximum size, players can then push it into a predetermined spot to create a snowman. The snowman will give players special rewards depending on how well the snowman was made.

The Joy of Creating a Perfect Snowman

Creating a perfect snowman in Animal Crossing New Leaf is not an easy task. It requires patience, precision, and attention to detail. However, the rewards are well worth the effort.A perfectly crafted snowman will provide players with unique items and clothing that they cannot obtain any other way in the game. These rewards range from snowman-themed furniture to winter clothes that keep players warm during the coldest months.

The Joy of Interacting with Snowmen in Animal Crossing New Leaf

A snowman in Animal Crossing New Leaf is not just a decoration. Players can interact with their snowmen and even play games with them. One such game is called Snowman Bingo.When players play Snowman Bingo, they will be given a bingo card that they must fill out. The numbers on the card will correspond to specific snowballs found around town. Once they have found all of the snowballs, they can finish the game and receive a prize from the snowman.

The Joy of Winter in Animal Crossing New Leaf

Winter is one of the most beautiful seasons in Animal Crossing New Leaf. The snow-covered trees, ice-skating villagers, and twinkling lights create a festive atmosphere that players cannot help but enjoy.The snowballs that players can create during the winter make the season even more delightful. Rolling the snowballs around and creating snowmen brings a sense of childlike wonderment that is hard to come by in other games.


Animal Crossing New Leaf provides players with endless joy and entertainment, and the snowballs that appear during the winter season are just one example of the game's unique features. Whether creating a perfect snowman or playing Snowman Bingo, players will undoubtedly find themselves immersed in the game's charm and delight.

Animal Crossing New Leaf Snowballs: A Comparison

Animal Crossing New Leaf is a popular simulation game that allows players to interact with various characters and animals in a community. One of the unique features of the game is the ability to create snowballs during the winter season. In this article, we will compare the types of snowballs that can be created in the game and discuss their differences.

The Types of Snowballs

There are two types of snowballs that can be created in Animal Crossing New Leaf: Regular Snowballs and Perfect Snowballs. The Regular Snowball is the most common type of snowball that can be made and is used to create Snowmen. The Perfect Snowball is a rarer version of the snowball that is used to create the Perfect Snowman.

Regular Snowballs

The Regular Snowball can be created by rolling a snowball around the snow-covered ground until it reaches a certain size. Once it reaches the desired size, it can be pushed around to a location where it can be used to make a Snowman. The Regular Snowball is easy to make and can be done in a matter of seconds.

Perfect Snowballs

The Perfect Snowball, on the other hand, is a rarer type of snowball that requires more effort to create. To make a Perfect Snowball, players must roll the snowball until it is at its maximum size. They then need to roll it over to a location that has a small patch of clear ground. Once the snowball is in position, players need to wait for a few seconds until it glows. This indicates that it has reached the perfect level of roundness and can be used to make a Perfect Snowman.

Differences Between the Snowballs

While the Regular Snowball and Perfect Snowball may seem like similar items, they do have some key differences:

Snowball Difference
Regular Snowball Common
Used to create Snowmen
Easy to make
Perfect Snowball Rare
Used to create Perfect Snowman
Harder to make

Uses of the Snowballs

The Regular Snowball and Perfect Snowball have different uses in the game:


The Regular Snowball is used to make a Snowman. Players can create a Snowman by placing two snowballs in a specific location. The Snowman will be created automatically, and players can talk to the Snowman to receive a reward.

The Perfect Snowball, on the other hand, is used to create the Perfect Snowman. Much like the Snowman, players need to place two snowballs in a specific location to create the Perfect Snowman. However, this requires a Regular Snowball and a Perfect Snowball.


In conclusion, while the Regular Snowball and Perfect Snowball may seem like similar items, they do have some significant differences. The Regular Snowball is easy to create and is used to make a Snowman, while the Perfect Snowball is rarer and requires more effort to make. It is used to create the Perfect Snowman, which offers players a different kind of reward. Regardless of which snowball you choose to use, the snow season in Animal Crossing New Leaf is definitely not one to be missed.

Tips and Tricks for Snowballs in Animal Crossing: New Leaf


Animal Crossing: New Leaf is a widely popular game, especially during the winter season when snow starts to fall. One of the most fun activities to do in the game during this time is to create snowmen using snowballs. However, creating perfect snowballs can be a bit tricky in the game, often leaving players frustrated. In this article, we will be sharing some tips and tricks for easily creating perfect snowballs in Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

Look for Snowballs!

The first thing you need to do to start creating snowmen is to find snowballs. Snowballs are usually found around the village. You can find them by walking around and searching for them. They usually appear on the ground, so look closely. Once you find them, you can begin creating snowmen.

Make Sure the Ground is Flat

When making a snowman, make sure the ground is flat, or else the snowball may roll away from you, and you'll end up wasting time chasing it down. If you don't have flat ground near you, head to the plaza, where the snow is generally flatter.

Start Small

It's important to start small with snowballs and work your way upwards. Instead of trying to create big snowballs right out of the gate, create smaller snowballs and gradually increase their size as you move along.

Move Slowly

Moving slowly is another essential tip to help you create perfect snowballs. If you hurry and try to rush the process, you'll likely end up with imperfect snowballs with dents and bumps that won't fit together. Try to take it slow and be as precise as possible.

Get the Right Size

One of the crucial factors when creating a snowman is getting the right size for the head and body. If the body is too big and the head too small, you'll end up with a lopsided snowman. It's wise to take measurements so you can get an idea of how big the snowballs should be.

Use the Wall and Trees as Guides

If you're having a hard time visualizing how big to make your snowballs, use the walls and trees as a guide. Stand next to them and gauge the size of the snowball compared to the objects. This way, you can ensure that your snowman will be the perfect size.

Keep the Snowballs Apart

When making snowmen, keep the snowballs apart from each other and only move one at a time. This minimizes the risk of them merging together and creating a giant clump, which can't be fixed.

Don't Stray Too Far

As you move the snowballs to create the snowman, try not to stray too far away from where you started. This can result in you losing track of where you are, and you may have difficulty placing the second ball on top of the bottom one.

Use the Gyroscope

Animal Crossing: New Leaf allows players to use the gyroscope feature in the Nintendo 3DS. When creating a snowman, use the gyroscope to stay straight and centered.

Be Patient

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, be patient. Creating snowmen requires focus and precision. Take your time, and don't rush things. You'll end up with a beautiful snowman that you can be proud of.


In conclusion, by following these simple tips and tricks, you'll be able to create perfect snowmen in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Be sure to remember to start small, move slowly, and stay centered. Have fun building your snowmen, and enjoy the wintertime in the game.

Animal Crossing New Leaf Snowballs: How to Build and Tips to Consider

Gamers who own Nintendo 3DS and love simulation games, most likely have played Animal Crossing New Leaf. The game offers a charming and relaxing experience, where players can manage their own town, complete tasks, and interact with their animal neighbors. One of the main attractions of the game during the winter season is snowballs. These adorable spheres of snow can be found rolling around town, and players can use them to create different snow figures. In this article, we will show you how to build snowballs in Animal Crossing New Leaf and share tips to consider when making your snowmen.

How to Build Snowballs in Animal Crossing New Leaf

If you want to build snowmen or snow sculptures in your town, you need to find and roll snowballs first. Here's how you can do it:

  • Make sure it's winter season (December to February)
  • Look for snowballs in your town. They spawn randomly, so you need to check regularly. They appear more often after snowfall and usually disappear after a day or two.
  • When you find a snowball, press A to start rolling it. You can push the snowball in any direction using the circle pad or D-pad. The bigger snowball can roll over smaller ones, and it will grow in size as you roll it around.
  • You need two snowballs of different sizes to make a snowman. We'll call them the body and the head snowball. You can use larger ones for the body and smaller ones for the head. When the snowballs are big enough, you can merge them into a snowman.

Tips to Consider When Building Snowmen

Building snowmen can be a fun way to decorate your town and earn some rewards, but it can also be frustrating if you're not careful. Here are some tips to help you make the perfect snowman:

  • Pick a good spot. Snowmen need a clear area to stand, so make sure there's enough space for them. Avoid narrow paths or crowded areas.
  • Don't roll snowballs too big. If you make them too large, they can get stuck on obstacles, and you won't be able to move them anymore.
  • Roll snowballs in different directions. Rolling snowballs around trees, buildings, or other objects can make them more round and compact. Don't roll them over paths or sand.
  • Check the size. Before you merge the snowballs, make sure the head is not too big or too small compared to the body. A perfect snowman has a head that's 90% the size of the body.
  • Match the face. Snowmen have different expressions based on the eyes and mouth you use. Choose the ones that match the body size and style of the snowman. You can use a snowflake as a nose.

Snowman Rewards and Trading

If you make a snowman perfectly, you'll get a reward from him the next day. He'll give you a random item from the Snowman series, which includes furniture, wallpaper, carpet, and clothing. You can also trade snowmen with other players online or in person. If you have two perfect snowmen in your town, you can use them to make a Snowmam. She'll ask you to bring her snowflakes for a chance to get more winter items.


Animal Crossing New Leaf offers many seasonal activities to enjoy, and snowballs are no exception. It's a simple yet satisfying feature that can keep you entertained during the cold winter days. By following our tips, you can create adorable snowmen and get some nice rewards.

We hope you found this article helpful. Feel free to share your snowman creations with us in the comments below. Happy gaming!

FAQs about Animal Crossing New Leaf Snowballs

What are snowballs in Animal Crossing: New Leaf?

Snowballs are large balls of compacted snow that appear throughout the winter months in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. These snowballs can be rolled around and used to build various snow creations, such as snowmen.

How do I roll a snowball in Animal Crossing: New Leaf?

To roll a snowball in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, you need to find a small snowball and push it around in the snow until it becomes larger. Once you've got a larger snowball, you can continue to roll it around until it reaches the desired size for your snow creation.

Can I store snowballs in Animal Crossing: New Leaf?

No, you cannot store snowballs in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. They will start to melt if left outside for too long or if brought indoors. You will have to create new snowballs each time you want to build a snowman or other snow creation.

What can I make with snowballs in Animal Crossing: New Leaf?

You can use snowballs to create various snow creations in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, such as snowmen, snowwomen, snowboys, and snowgirls. You can also use snowballs to create Snowtykes and Igloos.

How do I build a snowman in Animal Crossing: New Leaf?

  1. Create two snowballs of different sizes by rolling them around in the snow.
  2. Push the smaller snowball onto the larger one to create the base of the snowman.
  3. Roll another snowball around until it is roughly the size of the smaller snowball.
  4. Push this snowball onto the top of the snowman.
  5. Add a face and clothing to the snowman using items such as buttons, hats, and scarves.

Can I get different rewards for building snowmen in Animal Crossing: New Leaf?

Yes, you can receive rewards for building snowmen in Animal Crossing: New Leaf depending on how well you build them. If you build a perfect snowman with both snowballs being the appropriate size, you will receive a large Snowman item that can be placed in your house or town.