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Unravel the Mystery of Long Eared Animal with Our Crossword Clue

Unravel the Mystery of Long Eared Animal with Our Crossword Clue

Are you a fan of crossword puzzles? Do you enjoy challenging yourself with clues and finding the right answers? Well, if you're stuck on a particular clue that involves a long-eared animal, we've got you covered! Let's take a deep dive into the world of long-eared animals and uncover the mystery behind that elusive crossword clue.

The first long-eared animal that may come to mind is the rabbit. With their fluffy tails and floppy ears, they are a popular pet and a common sight in gardens and meadows. But rabbits are not the only long-eared animals out there. Did you know that hares also have long ears? They are larger than rabbits and are known for their impressive speed and agility.

If we're talking about long-eared animals that are native to North America, we can't forget about the jackrabbit. They are a common sight in deserts and grasslands and are known for their ability to stay cool in hot temperatures. Their long ears not only help them hear predators from far away but also regulate their body temperature by dissipating heat.

But what about long-eared animals that are not commonly known? Have you ever heard of the bilby? This small marsupial native to Australia has long ears that can be up to 3 inches long! They use their ears to detect prey and to regulate their body temperature in the harsh desert climate.

Speaking of marsupials, the bandicoot is another long-eared animal that's worth mentioning. These nocturnal creatures have large ears that help them navigate in the dark and find food. They also have sharp claws that they use to dig for insects and small animals.

Now, let's get back to that crossword clue. If you're struggling to find the right answer, here are some helpful hints. The word may be five letters long and the second letter might be an A. The answer could be a type of rabbit that is native to Europe and Asia.

Still can't figure it out? The answer is hare. Hares are a type of rabbit that have longer ears and legs than their domesticated cousins. They are known for their impressive speed and agility, making them a popular prey for predators like foxes and eagles.

In conclusion, while the rabbit may be the most commonly known long-eared animal, there are plenty of other species out there with impressive auditory capabilities. From hares to bilbies, these creatures use their ears for everything from detecting prey to regulating their body temperature. And if you're still struggling with that stubborn crossword clue, remember that hare might just be the solution you're looking for!

Long Eared Animal Crossword Clue
"Long Eared Animal Crossword Clue" ~ bbaz

The Mystery of the Long Eared Animal Crossword Clue

Are you a crossword puzzle enthusiast who enjoys the challenge of filling in the blanks and solving clues? If so, you may have come across the perplexing clue for a long-eared animal. The answer, despite its simplicity, may be difficult to deduce given the number of animals with distinctively long ears.

What are some animals with long ears?

There are several creatures in nature known for their large and pointy ears, but the most common ones include rabbits, hares, donkeys, horses, and fennec foxes. Some other breeds with long ears include the Basset Hound, Bloodhound, and the American Cocker Spaniel. The long ears of some animals serve as a means of communication and a tool for survival, alerting them to potential dangers and enabling them to hear the faintest of sounds. In contrast, other species, including dogs, possess floppy ears which are simply a product of artificial selection by humans.

Why is the Long Eared Animal clue so perplexing?

As previously stated, the clue for a long-eared animal is not in any way specific. With so many animals possessing this particular feature, it is hard to determine which animal the puzzle makers had in mind. To further complicate matters, the crossword clue may not provide any additional context to your search, making it difficult to narrow down your choices.

How to solve the Long Eared Animal Crossword Clue

While finding the answer to the long-eared animal crossword clue may seem daunting, there are several tips and tricks that can help you crack the code.

1. Utilize cross-referencing. Cross-referencing is an essential technique in crossword puzzles where answers are linked. For example, if, in a particular puzzle, there is a clue for a long-eared animal and another hint for five-letter words beginning with r, the answer may be rabbit.

2. Consider the number of letters and spaces given. Most crossword puzzles have a set number of spaces provided for each answer. Use this information to your advantage by considering how many letters are in each word and how they fit together.

3. Utilize online resources. There is a wealth of knowledge available on the internet, including websites dedicated to helping individuals solve crossword puzzles. These may include word banks, synonym lists, and even tools that match letter combinations to possible answers.


In conclusion, the long-eared animal crossword clue can be frustrating but ultimately rewarding when solved. Remember to utilize cross-referencing, consider the number of letters provided and use available resources to increase your chances of success. Happy puzzling!

Long Eared Animal Crossword Clue: Comparing the Most Popular Ones


Puzzles and crosswords have become a stress-reliever for many people, and one of the most common clues is long-eared animal. It could refer to various species that share this feature, but some are more popular than others. In this article, we will compare the most common long-eared animals found in crosswords.

The Rabbit

Undoubtedly, the most commonly used animal in crosswords when it comes to the long-eared clue is the rabbit. With their characteristic long ears and soft fur, these small mammals are well-known for their ability to reproduce quickly. They are typically portrayed as herbivores and excellent runners who rely on their ears to detect predators. Overall, the rabbit is used as a symbol of innocence and gentleness in many cultures.


The rabbit is a favorite among children and adults alike, making them instantly recognizable with their long ears and cute appearance. Moreover, they are easy to draw, making them an ideal image for crossword constructors.


Due to the frequency with which rabbits are employed for puzzles, they may become predictable. Over-exposure can lead to a lack of excitement when encountering the animal in a crossword.

The Hare

The hare, commonly referred to as the long-eared cousin of the rabbit, has a more significant stature and longer ears. They are also usually depicted as fast runners, capable of outrunning a predator and jumping long distances. Unlike rabbits, hares are often seen as solitary creatures that prefer to live alone.


The hare may be considerably less well-known than the rabbit, so encountering it in a puzzle adds an element of surprise. Moreover, its portrayal as a fast and agile creature is often seen as heroic, adding excitement and dynamism to crossword puzzles.


While not quite as ubiquitous in crosswords as the rabbit, the hare is still relatively common, so may still feel predictable at times.

The Donkey

A species that shares the long-ear characteristic with rabbits and hares but is not used as frequently is the donkey. They are known for their ability to carry heavy loads on their backs, which explains their popularity in rural regions worldwide, where transportation options were limited.


The donkey may be less well-known than the rabbit and the hare, making it a more unique clue and adding interest to crossword challenges. Moreover, they are often seen as hard-working and reliable, qualities that make them attractive to include in puzzles.


As compared to rabbits and hares, donkeys are not as visually interesting creatures, so may not have as broad appeal. Their contribution to puzzles may require more complex clues as opposed to being the focus of the puzzle itself.

The Fox

The red fox is a species found all over the world and is revered for its intelligence and cunning. They are small mammals with pointy ears that resemble those of the rabbit. Unlike rabbits, they are predators and are known for their ability to outsmart their prey and hunt stealthily.


The fox is one of the less commonly used animals with long ears in crosswords, providing refreshment to the typical animal sets. Additionally, foxes are known for their wit and cleverness, giving them a unique personality to represent in puzzles.


As compared to the others mentioned earlier, foxes may be unknown to some people serving as a harmful distraction to crosswords.

Comparison Table

| Animal | Pros | Cons || --- | --- | --- || Rabbit | Cute and innocent, easily recognizable and portrayable | Overused/ Predictable || Hare | Uncommon, fast and agile, heroic character | Still common in puzzles || Donkey | Unique clue, hard-working and reliable portrayal | Visually less interesting, dependent on more complex clues || Fox | Clever personality, uncommon clue | Unknown to some people |


In conclusion, the long-eared animal crossword clue provides a range of options that can add excitement and challenge to puzzling. While the rabbit is the most commonly used, variants such as the hare, donkey, and fox provide a unique personality and fresh element. Building tables comparing various animals can be useful in identifying the pros and cons of each animal, so readers can pick their favorite. Happy crossword solving!

Tips and Tricks to Solve Long-Eared Animal Crossword Clues

Long-eared animals are often featured in crossword puzzles, from famous fictional characters like Bugs Bunny to real-life creatures like rabbits, jackrabbits, hares, and donkeys. If you get stuck with a crossword clue involving a long-eared animal, here are some tips and tricks that might help:

1. Identify the type of long-eared animal

The first step in solving any crossword clue is to read it carefully and think about what the puzzle is asking for. In the case of long-eared animals, you need to identify the specific type of animal being described. Is it a rabbit or hare? A donkey or mule? An earless bat with long ears?

Knowing the animal’s name will help you narrow down possible answers and eliminate choices that don’t fit the description. For example, if the clue mentions a long-eared animal that hops, you can eliminate any non-jumping animals like elephants or giraffes.

2. Look for synonyms and related words

Even if you’re not sure of the exact animal species, you can often infer the answer by looking for synonyms or related words in the crossword clues and/or in the grid itself. For example, a clue that mentions “long-eared equine” probably refers to a donkey, since both “long-eared” and “equine” are associated with horses and their relatives.

Keep an eye out for other descriptive terms that might be associated with long-eared animals, such as “burrowing,” “herbivorous,” “rodent-like,” or “comically oversize” – these can help you make educated guesses even if you’re not an animal expert.

3. Consider the context

Another clue that can help you solve long-eared animal crossword puzzles is the context of the puzzle itself. Are there any accompanying clues that might shed light on the answer? For example, if the crossword has a theme like “animals in fables,” the long-eared animal might be a reference to a famous tale like “The Tortoise and the Hare.

Alternatively, the context of the puzzle might give you a clue about the animal’s habitat or behavior – for example, a puzzle set in a desert landscape might require an answer like a jackrabbit, which is known for its ability to survive in arid conditions.

4. Use online resources

If you’re still stuck on a long-eared animal crossword clue, don’t hesitate to use online resources like dictionary and thesaurus sites or animal guides. These tools can help you look up possible answers and fill in missing letters that can help you solve the puzzle. Some popular online resources for crossword enthusiasts include:

  • Crossword Nexus
  • OneAcross

These websites offer search tools that let you enter a partial word or phrase to find matching crossword answers. You can also browse through lists of animals by category (e.g., mammals, birds, insects) to help you get an idea of what long-eared animals might fit the puzzle.

5. Don’t be afraid to guess

Sometimes, the best way to solve a long-eared animal crossword clue is simply to take a guess based on the letters you already have in place. This can be especially helpful if you have narrowed down the possible answers or eliminated all other options except for one.

Keep in mind that a crossword puzzle is just a game, and there’s no penalty for getting a clue wrong (unless you’re doing a timed competition). So even if you’re not 100% sure of the answer, go ahead and fill it in – you might be pleasantly surprised!

6. Look for “trick” clues

One final tip for solving long-eared animal crossword puzzles is to watch out for “trick” clues that might mislead you into thinking the answer is something completely different. Some common tricks to look out for include:

  • Synonyms that don’t quite fit the context, such as “bunny” instead of “hare”
  • Homophones that sound similar but have different spellings, like “mule” and “mewl”
  • Puns or wordplay that require lateral thinking, such as “What do you get when you cross a rabbit with a football? A score-hare!”

If you encounter one of these types of clues, take a step back and try to read it from a different perspective. Sometimes, the solution is a pun or a play on words that requires a bit of creativity to solve.


Solving long-eared animal crossword clues can be tricky, but with a bit of practice and some helpful tips, you can become a more successful crossword solver. Remember to identify the type of animal, look for synonyms and related words, consider the context of the puzzle, use online resources, take educated guesses, and watch out for trick clues – and above all, have fun!

The Long Eared Animal Crossword Clue: A Comprehensive Guide

Greetings crossword enthusiasts and animal lovers! Are you stumped on a recent puzzle that requires knowledge of long-eared animals? Fear not, for this article will provide you with a comprehensive guide to all the long-eared animals you may come across in crossword puzzles.

Before we dive in, it is worth noting that long ears are a relatively common feature among animals, especially those that rely heavily on their sense of hearing. From rabbits to foxes, various critters sport distinctive elongated ears, making them an excellent topic of crossword puzzles.

Without further ado, let us examine some of the most popular long-eared animals that may be found in your next crossword puzzle:

1. Hare

Starting off our list is the ever-popular hare. Known for its incredibly fast speed and agility, hares also possess long pointed ears that help them detect predators from a distance.

Furthermore, unlike their smaller rabbit cousins, hares spend most of their time above ground and possess longer legs and stronger hindquarters to assist with running and jumping. If you come across a clue in a puzzle that describes an animal with teardrop-shaped ears and lightning-fast speed, you can be sure the answer is hare.

2. Donkey and Mule

Equines such as donkeys and mules also have rather long ears. These ears serve three primary functions: they help dissipate heat from the animal's body, detect approaching predators, and communicate with other herd members through braying and nibbling. With their friendly demeanor and steady nature, these beasts of burden are a favorite among children and adults alike.

3. Fox

As the saying goes, what big ears you have, Grandma. Indeed, foxes are known for having pointy ears that can rotate 180 degrees in any direction, allowing them to pinpoint any sound from prey or predator alike. Furthermore, some species of fox can use their considerable hearing, coupled with a unique hunting technique, to locate mice and other rodents hidden deep under the snow.

4. Bat

When it comes to long-eared animals, the bat undoubtedly takes the cake. With ears that can grow up to one-third the length of their body, bats rely heavily on their sense of hearing to navigate and hunt at night.

In fact, bats use echolocation, a process whereby they emit high-pitched sounds and listen to the echoes and reverberations to detect their surroundings. This remarkable ability allows them to excel in conditions where sight is impaired, such as in caves or dense forests.

5. Rabbit

Finally, the classic rabbit or bunny is another animal known for its long ears. Rabbits have large ears that they can move and swivel to locate the source of any sound, including the slightest rustling of leaves. Furthermore, their excellent hearing helps detect approaching predators, giving them crucial seconds to run away and hide.

In conclusion, long-eared animals are fascinating creatures that serve essential functions in nature. Whether they use their ears for detecting danger or locating prey, there is no denying that these animals possess unique and remarkable abilities.

Hopefully, after reading this article, you feel better equipped to tackle any crossword puzzle clue relating to long-eared animals. Until next time, happy puzzling!

People Also Ask About Long Eared Animal Crossword Clue

What is a Long Eared Animal?

A long-eared animal is any creature that has long ears as a distinctive feature. Some common examples of long-eared animals include rabbits, hares, and donkeys.

What are some Long Eared Animals in Crossword Puzzles?

There are several long-eared animals that you might encounter in crossword puzzles. Some of the most common ones include:

  1. Rabbit
  2. Hare
  3. Your
  4. Ass
  5. Bunny
  6. Jackrabbit
  7. Mule

What is the Length of the Long Ears of a Bunny or Hare?

The length of the long ears of a bunny or hare can vary depending on the species. In general, however, they can grow up to 10 centimeters or about 4 inches long.

What are Some Other Distinctive Features of Long-Eared Animals?

In addition to their long ears, long-eared animals can have other distinctive features. For example, rabbits and hares have large eyes and powerful hind legs that make them great at jumping and running. Donkeys, on the other hand, have thick fur and tall, narrow ears that help them stay cool in hot environments.

What is the Purpose Behind Long Ears of Some Animals?

The purpose behind long ears may vary among different species of animals. Generally, long ears can help animals to detect sounds from further away and thus protect themselves from predators. Long ears may also help to regulate the animal's body temperature, by increasing the surface area available for heat exchange.


In conclusion, long-eared animals are fascinating creatures that can be found in many crossword puzzles. From rabbits and hares to donkeys and beyond, long ears serve many different purposes in the animal kingdom. By understanding more about these amazing creatures, we can appreciate them even more.