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Protecting Mail Deliveries: Understanding USPS Policy on Animal Interference

Protecting Mail Deliveries: Understanding USPS Policy on Animal Interference

Are you unfamiliar with the United States Postal Service's policy on animal interference? Do you often wonder how USPS postmen and women deal with furry friends along their delivery routes? The answer lies within USPS's policies on animal interference.

Did you know that, according to USPS, dogs are the most common domesticated animals that postal workers come into contact with? Of all dog breeds, Chihuahuas and Pit bulls are known to be the most aggressive towards postal workers.

Statistics show that in 2019, there were 5,714 reported dog attacks on postal workers across the United States. Injuries range from minor bites and scratches to severe hospitalization and surgery.

USPS developed a Dog Bite Awareness Program to educate pet owners on how to prevent dog bites from occurring. The program encourages pet owners to keep their dogs secured when postal workers are near and to never leave dogs unattended outside.

Despite education programs and policies set forth by USPS, it is important for postal workers to always remain alert and aware of their surroundings when delivering mail to homes with pets. This is especially true during the holiday season when postal workers are making more frequent trips to deliver packages and greeting cards.

If a postal worker approaches a home with a dog roaming freely outside, they have the right to skip the delivery and leave a notice for the resident to pick up their mail or package at the post office. This is done to ensure the safety of both the postal worker and the animal.

Furthermore, postal workers are instructed not to enter a home if they are met with an aggressive animal, whether it be a dog, cat, or another type of pet. This is done to protect both the postal worker and the homeowner's pets.

In addition to dogs, USPS also has policies in place for dealing with other animals, such as bees. If a postal worker encounters a swarm of bees at a mailbox or on their delivery route, they are instructed to avoid the area and notify their supervisor immediately.

USPS takes animal interference seriously and ensures that both their employees and customers are protected from potential harm. It is important for pet owners to also be aware of their responsibilities when it comes to keeping their pets under control during postal deliveries.

In conclusion, whether you are a postal worker or a pet owner, it is important to familiarize yourself with USPS's policies on animal interference. By doing so, we can work together to promote safety and prevent potential mishaps from occurring.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding USPS's policy on animal interference, be sure to reach out to your local post office for more information.

Usps Policy On Animal Interference
"Usps Policy On Animal Interference" ~ bbaz


The United States Postal Service (USPS) has a strict policy on animal interference to ensure the safety of animals and postal workers. The policy outlines guidelines that must be followed when handling mail with aggressive or potentially dangerous animals in the vicinity. In this article, we will discuss the USPS policy on animal interference.

Policy Overview

According to the USPS policy, animals are not allowed to interfere with mail delivery. This includes dogs, cats, birds, and other domesticated or wild animals. The policy mandates that if an animal is present at the time of mail delivery and poses a risk to the letter carrier, the carrier is authorized to refrain from delivering the mail until the animal is removed or restrained.

Dog Attacks

Dog attacks are one of the most common types of animal interference faced by postal carriers. To avoid such incidents, USPS has recommended various precautions that include carrying repellent sprays, detecting potentially aggressive behavior in dogs, and avoiding areas known to have loose dogs.If a carrier is threatened by an aggressive dog while delivering mail, they can request assistance from the local animal control or law enforcement agency. If the dog owner is identified, a report will be filed with them, cautioning them against any repeated incidents.

Cats and Other Animals

Cats and other domesticated or wild animals can also pose a threat to postal workers. Though they may not attack aggressively like dogs, they can still potentially interfere with the mail delivery process.In such cases, the carrier needs to immediately retreat and call their supervisor for assistance. Similar to dog attacks, animal control or law enforcement agencies may also need to be involved to ensure the safety of both the carrier and the animals.


Postal customers who do not comply with USPS animal interference policies may be subject to penalties. Penalties can include warnings, legal action, fines, or suspension of mail delivery services. These penalties are meant to discourage individuals from taking such actions that could endanger postal workers or animals.


USPS policy on animal interference exists to ensure the safety of both postal workers and animals. Mail delivery personnel must be aware of the guidelines to handle any aggressive or potentially dangerous situations properly. Penalties for non-compliance of USPS policies also serve as a tool to enforce rules and regulations and encourage responsible behavior towards animals. As such, it is essential to understand and follow this policy to make mail delivery safe for everyone involved.

Comparison of USPS Policy on Animal Interference


The United States Postal Service (USPS) is known for delivering mail to millions of homes and businesses across the country. While this may seem like a simple task, there are often obstacles that postal workers encounter, one of which is animals. Dogs, in particular, are a common obstacle for postal workers. The USPS has policies in place to ensure the safety of both the animal and the postal worker. This blog will compare and contrast the USPS policies on animal interference.

Definition of Animal Interference

Animal interference refers to situations where an animal, usually a dog, prevents a postal worker from delivering mail to a particular address. This can happen when the animal is loose, barking aggressively, or physically blocking the path of the postal worker.

Responsibility of Pet Owners

The USPS policy on animal interference places the responsibility on the pet owner to ensure that their animal is not interfering with mail delivery. Pet owners must keep their animals indoors or secured in a fenced area during mail delivery hours. If the animal is outside, it must be restrained by a leash or a chain.

Consequences of Animal Interference

If a postal worker encounters an animal during mail delivery and is unable to deliver the mail, the USPS will leave a notice informing the resident that their mail has been held at the post office. The resident can then pick up their mail at the post office. If the postal worker is attacked or bitten by the animal during mail delivery, the pet owner may be held liable for any damages.

Table Comparison of Policies

Policy Description Opinion
Responsibility Pet owners must keep their animals indoors or secured in a fenced area during mail delivery hours. This policy is fair as it places the responsibility on the pet owner to ensure the safety of the animal and the postal worker.
Consequences If a postal worker is unable to deliver mail due to an animal, the mail will be held at the post office. If the postal worker is attacked or bitten, the pet owner may be held liable for damages. This policy is necessary to protect postal workers from potentially dangerous situations.
Warning Signs Postal workers may place warning stickers on mailboxes or front doors of houses where an animal is known to interfere with mail delivery. The use of warning stickers can be beneficial for both the postal worker and the resident.

Use of Warning Signs

If a pet owner is aware that their animal interferes with mail delivery, they can request a warning sticker from the USPS to place on their mailbox or front door. This will alert the postal worker to the presence of an animal and help prevent any potential incidents.

Handling of Packages

The USPS policy also states that postal workers may refuse to deliver packages if an animal is interfering with mail delivery. The USPS may hold the package at the post office, and the resident may need to pick it up in person.

Alternate Delivery Methods

In some cases, the USPS may use alternate delivery methods if an animal is interfering with mail delivery. This can include delivering mail to a neighbor's address or using a cluster box unit.

Role of Postal Workers

Postal workers are trained to handle situations involving animals during mail delivery. They are instructed to use caution when approaching an unfamiliar animal and to avoid making direct eye contact or sudden movements. If necessary, they may use a whistle or pepper spray to deter an aggressive animal.


Overall, the USPS policy on animal interference is necessary to ensure the safety of both the postal worker and the animal. Pet owners have a responsibility to keep their animals secured during mail delivery hours, and warning stickers can be useful in preventing incidents. While packages may be delayed if an animal interferes with mail delivery, alternate delivery methods are available. Postal workers are trained to handle situations involving animals and are equipped with tools to protect themselves if necessary.

USPS Policy on Animal Interference

The United States Postal Service (USPS) is committed to delivering mail and packages to its customers nationwide. However, postal delivery workers face many challenges daily, one of which is animal interference.

What is animal interference?

Animal interference occurs when an animal, such as a dog or cat, poses a threat to a postal worker while on their delivery route. According to USPS guidelines, it is considered animal interference when an animal presents a physical threat by biting, attacking, or running towards a postal worker.

Why is animal interference a problem?

Animal interference is not just a problem for postal workers but also for the animals themselves and their owners. Postal workers are expected to deliver mail safely while facing potential animal threats, leaving them at risk for injuries and accidents. Moreover, if an animal bites a postal worker, the owner may be held liable for any damages and may face legal consequences.

How can you prevent animal interference?

Preventing animal interference requires owners to take responsibility for their pets. Below are some tips to follow:

1. Restrain your pet:

Keep your pet confined and away from the mailbox area during the time of delivery. If possible, put them in a closed room or yard to avoid possible interactions with the mail carrier.

2. Keep your pet calm:

Some pets act aggressively towards others due to anxiety or fear, so make sure your pet is in a comfortable environment with water and food available in case of a sudden delivery.

3. Install a mailbox:

If you do not have a mailbox, consider installing one outside your property for the safety of your pet and to avoid any potential interaction with the mail carrier.

4. Communicate with your carrier:

If you have any concerns about your pet's behavior, communicate this with your postal worker, or leave a note in the mailbox requesting them not to interact with your pet.

What happens if animal interference occurs?

Postal workers are trained to deal with animal interference. If an animal threatens a postal worker while delivering mail, they have the right to refuse delivery. This may mean that the owner has to collect their mail from the local post office. In case of an aggressive attack, the owner may face legal charges for any injuries incurred by the postal worker.


Animal interference is a serious issue for postal workers, pet owners, and pets themselves. By following the above tips, pet owners can help prevent animal interference and protect their pets from harming others.

Usps Policy On Animal Interference

As pet owners, we all love our furry friends and want them to be safe. Having said that, it is important to be aware of the United States Postal Service's (USPS) policy on deliveries that involve animal interference. Not only does it affect the safety of postal workers, but it can also lead to delayed deliveries and compensation claims by customers. This article aims to provide a detailed insight into USPS's policy on animal interference.

First and foremost, it is essential to understand that animal interference is not limited to just dogs. USPS defines animal interference as any type of contact between an employee, mailpiece, or vehicle, and any animal. This includes dogs, cats, raccoons, snakes, or any other domestic or wild animals that may pose a threat to USPS employees or mail delivery processes.

The USPS policy on animal interference mandates that it is the responsibility of the pet owner to keep their pets restrained when the mail carrier is making a delivery. The postal worker has the right to refuse delivery if there is no assurance that the animal will not interfere. Therefore, it is highly recommended that pet owners keep their animals indoors or in a fenced area, away from the mailbox.

Furthermore, if the delivery is refused due to animal interference, the post office will hold onto the mail and leave a delivery notification card for the customer to collect at their convenience. Alternatively, the owner may arrange redelivery by contacting the local post office. However, such arrangements may take an additional 24 hours to process.

In case the postal worker encounters an uncontrolled animal on the customer's property, they may use their discretion to determine the best course of action. This may include refusing delivery, temporarily withholding mail, or seeking assistance from animal control officials.

It is also essential to note that the USPS policy on animal interference extends to not only residential deliveries but also business and commercial deliveries. Employees making deliveries to enterprises have the right to refuse delivery if they feel their safety or the quality of the mail may be compromised due to animal interference.

Additionally, pet owners need to keep in mind that the USPS can take legal action against them if their pets cause injuries to postal workers or the damage of mail delivery vehicles. In such cases, the owner may be subject to civil and criminal charges and may have to pay compensation to USPS employees.

In conclusion, it is crucial for pet owners to understand and comply with the USPS policy on animal interference. Taking necessary precautions to ensure that their pets do not interfere with mail deliveries will not only benefit postal workers but also guarantee efficient and timely delivery services. We urge our readers to follow these guidelines to avoid any unnecessary delays or legal implications.

Thank you for reading, and we hope this article has provided you with useful information regarding USPS's policy on animal interference.

USPS Policy On Animal Interference: People Also Ask

What is the USPS Policy on animal interference?

The USPS has strict policies and guidelines when it comes to animal interference. These guidelines are designed keeping in mind the safety and well-being of USPS employees, animals, and customers.

Is it illegal to mail pets through USPS?

No, it is not legal to mail pets through the USPS. It is risky and may lead to cruel treatment of the animal involved.

Can I ship live animals through USPS?

Yes, you can ship live animals through USPS but only if the animal falls under the categories of live bees, baby poultry, or other day-old birds.

How does the USPS handle mail delivery to homes with aggressive dogs?

The USPS has established uniform procedures to ensure its employee’s safety while delivering mail to homes with aggressive dogs. They include identifying houses with aggressive dogs, instructing mail carriers on how to handle such situations, using technology for tracking dogs, and providing dog bite prevention training.


The USPS takes the safety and welfare of all living beings seriously and has established policies and guidelines to accomplish that. People should follow these policies and guidelines strictly to protect themselves, their animals, and USPS employees.