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Unleash the Magic of D&D Animal Messenger: A Guide to Summoning Allies in Your Adventure

Unleash the Magic of D&D Animal Messenger: A Guide to Summoning Allies in Your Adventure

D&D Animal Messenger: The Perfect Communication Tool for Your Campaign

Communication is vital in every D&D campaign, and having a reliable messenger can make all the difference. Lucky for you, the Animal Messenger spell is here to save the day! In this article, we'll explore the ins and outs of this handy spell and how it can benefit your campaign.

What is Animal Messenger?

If you're not familiar with this spell, Animal Messenger is a second-level transmutation spell that allows you to send a small, non-threatening animal to deliver a message to a specific recipient. The animal will travel for up to 24 hours to reach its destination, and once there, it will deliver your message before disappearing.

Why Use Animal Messenger?

Animal Messenger has several advantages over other communication methods. For one, it's discreet - no one will suspect a harmless squirrel or bird of carrying an important message. Additionally, since the animal is non-threatening, it's less likely to be attacked or intercepted on its journey.

And let's not forget one of the biggest advantages of all - it's free! Unlike sending a courier or magical message, Animal Messenger requires no monetary or magical investment, making it an ideal choice for those on a budget.

How to Cast Animal Messenger

So, how do you cast this handy spell? It's quite simple, actually. First, you must have an animal with which you share a language. Then, you speak with that animal, instructing it on where to go and what message to deliver.

You then cast the spell and touch the animal, granting it magical speed and endurance for its journey. From there, the animal is off to deliver your message!

What Animals Can You Use?

Animal Messenger isn't limited to just birds and squirrels - any small, non-threatening animal will do. Consider using a rat for an urban campaign, or a rabbit for a woodland adventure. Be creative!

And if you're feeling really adventurous, why not try sending a message via a swarm of insects? It's technically allowed by the spell, although it might take some DM approval.

When Should You Use Animal Messenger?

Animal Messenger can be used for a variety of purposes throughout your campaign. Some examples include:

  • Sending a warning to allies of an oncoming threat
  • Delivering a ransom demand or ultimatum to foes
  • Sending a love letter or secret message to a potential ally or enemy
  • Requesting aid or supplies from an ally in a distant location

Final Thoughts

All things considered, Animal Messenger is an excellent spell to have in your arsenal. It's versatile, free, and makes for some memorable moments in your campaign. So next time you need to send a message, consider ditching the magical message and sending a cuddly critter instead. Your party won't regret it!

D&D Animal Messenger
"D&D Animal Messenger" ~ bbaz

Dungeons and Dragons, also known as D&D, has become one of the most popular tabletop role-playing games in the world. With each edition introducing new concepts, spells, creatures, and rules, there is always something new to discover in the game. One of the lesser-known spells, but one that can be incredibly useful, is Animal Messenger.

What Is Animal Messenger?

Animal Messenger is a 2nd-level spell that allows you to send a small animal to deliver a message. The spell requires verbal and somatic components, as well as a piece of food to entice the animal to carry out your task. Once cast, you must choose an animal that is within 30 feet of you, such as a bird or a squirrel. You then whisper your message to the creature and give it the food. The animal then sets off to deliver your message to a location you specify, up to a maximum distance based on your caster level.

The Advantages of Animal Messenger

There are numerous advantages to using Animal Messenger in your D&D campaign. Firstly, it is a quick way to communicate information without needing to travel or use other forms of communication. This can be especially useful if the party is in a dangerous area, or if they need to relay information back to someone quickly.

Secondly, Animal Messenger can be used to communicate with people who are inaccessible via other means. For example, if you need to contact a person who is hiding or is otherwise unreachable, sending an animal messenger can be an effective way to get your message to them.

Finally, Animal Messenger can be a fun way to add some creativity to your campaign. Since the spell allows you to choose any small animal, you could have some fun with your choice. For example, instead of a bird or a squirrel, you could send a rat or a frog with your message. This can add some humor to the game and make for a memorable encounter.

Limitations of Animal Messenger

Like all spells, Animal Messenger has its limitations. Firstly, the animal that carries your message is not very intelligent and cannot answer questions or provide additional information. You must be very clear in your message if you want to ensure it is understood correctly.

Secondly, the spell requires a piece of food to entice the animal. This means that if you do not have any suitable food on hand, you may not be able to cast the spell. Additionally, the animal may be intercepted by predators or other dangers along the way.

Examples of Animal Messenger in Action

There are many ways to use Animal Messenger in your D&D campaign. Here are a few examples:

1. The party is stuck in a dungeon and needs to contact their allies on the surface. They use Animal Messenger to send a bird with a message explaining their situation and requesting assistance.

2. The party is pursuing a thief who has stolen an important artifact. They use Animal Messenger to send a rat to the thief's hideout with a message threatening consequences if the artifact is not returned.

3. The party is trying to find a missing person in a dense forest. They use Animal Messenger to send a squirrel with a message asking if anyone has seen the person recently.

In Conclusion

Animal Messenger may not be the flashiest spell in the game, but it can be incredibly useful in certain situations. Whether you need to relay information quickly, reach someone who is otherwise unreachable, or just add a bit of flavor to your campaign, Animal Messenger is worth considering. So go ahead and give it a try!

D&D Animal Messenger: A Comparison Between Animals and Their Abilities


Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) is a popular role-playing game that has been played for decades. In D&D, players choose their characters and go on adventures in exciting worlds. One of the essential elements of the game is animal companions who can aid the characters in their quests. The Animal Messenger spell is often used to communicate with animals. It enables players to use animals to deliver messages over long distances. In this blog post, we will compare different animals' abilities to deliver messages in D&D.

The Various Animals Used in D&D Animal Messenger Spell

In D&D, various animals can be utilized to deliver messages. These include cats, dogs, horses, owls, ravens, and others. An Animal Messenger spell lasts about 24 hours, and the players must communicate their message to the animal clearly. Let's take a closer look at each animal's abilities when it comes to delivering messages.


Dogs are a common choice in D&D for delivering messages. They possess a keen sense of smell and can find their way back home quickly. If you want to send a message to someone in a nearby town, a dog is an ideal choice. You can expect it to deliver your message within a day or two without fail.


Cats are known for their agility and stealth. They can slip into houses undetected and deliver messages without anyone noticing. However, they are not as reliable as dogs since they can sometimes wander off, and their independent nature often makes them less willing to follow orders.


Horses are excellent messengers when it comes to covering long distances. They can gallop at high speeds for extended periods, making them perfect for sending messages to far-off places. However, horses are not stealthy creatures, so using them for covert missions is not recommended.


Owls have the ability to fly silently and navigate in complete darkness. They are known to be highly intelligent creatures, making them ideal for delivering important messages. Their downside is that they cannot carry heavy loads or travel long distances.


Ravens are birds of an interesting nature, and their intelligence has been referenced numerous times throughout history. In D&D, they are used for carrying messages over short distances since they can fly quickly but not for long. They have an uncanny knack for locating people, making them a preferred choice for finding missing people on a battlefield.

Comparison Chart

Let's use a table to compare the different animals' abilities.
Animal Range (miles) Delivery Time (hours) Load Capacity (lbs) Stealthiness Intelligence
Dog 20 24-48 10 Fair Low
Cat 2 12-24 5 High Low
Horse 100 72 100 Low Low
Owl 5 12-24 2 High High
Raven 10 12-24 1 High High


In summary, each animal has its unique set of abilities that make them suitable messengers in different situations. While dogs are reliable for delivering messages over short distances, owls are perfect for covert missions. If you want to send a message to somebody far away, horses are the best choice. If you need to locate someone on a battlefield, the intelligent raven will do the job with ease.In conclusion, the use of Animal Messenger spells in D&D is an exciting feature that allows players to communicate with animals that we typically do not have access to. Understanding the strengths and limitations of each animal is crucial when dealing with a scenario where messaging plays a crucial role.

Tips and Tutorial: D&D Animal Messenger


One of the most useful spells in Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) is the Animal Messenger spell. This spell can be used to send a message to someone far away with the help of a friendly creature in the vicinity. In this tutorial, we will discuss the Animal Messenger spell in detail and provide some tips on how to use it effectively.

What is Animal Messenger?

Animal Messenger is a 2nd-level transmutation spell that allows you to send a message to someone far away through an animal messenger. The spell allows you to choose any tiny beast within the area and enchant it with your message. The enchanted animal will then go find the destination you want it to go to and deliver your message to the intended recipient.

How to cast Animal Messenger?

To cast Animal Messenger, you must first have access to the spell. The spell requires verbal and somatic components, which means you need to speak a specific incantation and make hand gestures while casting the spell. You also need to have a handful of food to give to the enchanted animal, which it will take as payment for its services.

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Choose a tiny beast within the area.

2. Cast the Animal Messenger spell, speaking the incantation and making the necessary hand gestures.

3. Enchant the chosen animal with your message, using up to 25 words.

4. Offer the enchanted animal food as payment, which it will accept before delivering your message.

5. The animal will then seek out the recipient of your message and deliver it.

Tips for using Animal Messenger

Here are some tips to make the most out of the Animal Messenger spell in your D&D game.

Choose the right animal

Not all tiny beasts are created equal. Be strategic when selecting which animal to use as your messenger. A fast bird like a hawk might make sense if you need to send a message quickly, while a squirrel or chipmunk would be better suited for delivering a message within a forested area.

Select your words carefully

You only have 25 words to convey your message, so choose them carefully. Be clear and concise about what you want to say, but avoid being too blunt or cryptic. Make sure your meaning is crystal clear to the recipient.

Offer enticing food for payment

Animals are motivated by food, and the enchanted creature will be no exception. Offer it a tasty morsel that will entice it to deliver your message with haste. The more desirable the food, the more likely the message will be delivered successfully.

Bonus tip: Use multiple messengers

If your message is particularly important or time-sensitive, consider using multiple messengers. This will increase the likelihood that your message reaches its intended recipient.


Dungeons and Dragons’ Animal Messenger spell is an essential tool for sending messages to someone far away. With the right strategy and careful planning, you can use this spell to achieve your goals in your next D&D adventure. Follow these tips and make the most of your Animal Messenger spellcasting abilities.

D&D Animal Messenger: How to Use Familiars and Beasts for Communication

Welcome, dear visitors! Today, we will delve into the fascinating world of familiars and beasts in Dungeons & Dragons. Specifically, we will discuss how you can use these creatures as messengers in your campaign. Whether you are a Dungeon Master or a player, knowing how to utilize animal messengers can add another layer of complexity and excitement to your game. So, let's get started!

Firstly, what is a familiar? In D&D, a familiar is a magical creature that serves as an extension of a spellcaster. Typically, they take the form of small animals like cats, rats, or owls. They possess some unique abilities, such as the ability to communicate with their master telepathically, see in complete darkness, and deliver touch spells for their master. They are, essentially, an extra set of eyes and ears for spellcasters.

On the other hand, beasts are natural creatures that exist within the game world. Familiars are a type of beast, but not all beasts are familiars. Beasts can be used as mounts, combat companions, or even as pack animals. But for our purposes today, we will focus on how beasts can be used as messengers.

If you're wondering why you need an animal messenger, there are plenty of reasons. Maybe you need to send a message to someone who is far away and would take too long to reach by foot. Perhaps you don't want to leave a trail that could be followed or intercepted by enemies. Or it could just be that you want to add some flair to your dramatic plot points.

One example of animal messengers in D&D lore is a spell called Animal Messenger. This spell allows the caster to send a tiny animal to a specific location with a written message. The creature will deliver the message to the target and return to the caster with their reply. However, there are other ways to use animals as messengers that don't require this spell.

For instance, consider this scenario: You are a rogue who needs to deliver an urgent message to your party's wizard, who is miles away and unreachable by conventional means. However, you do know of a friendly pack of wolves in the area. So, you write your message on a piece of parchment, tie it to a collar, and attach it to one of the wolves. The wolf then sets off towards the wizard's location, following your instructions. When it reaches the wizard, they can retrieve the message from the collar and send a reply back with the same wolf. This way, you've utilized the wolves' natural abilities and avoided any unwanted attention from prying eyes.

Another example could be using an eagle to deliver a message to a castle tower's high window. By tying a letter onto the eagle's talon before it flies away, and within moments, the message is sent through the window. It is a quick and unnoticed way of sending messages without the need for magic.

Aside from wolves and eagles, other beasts have unique abilities that can help with messaging. For example, riding atop a hippogriff could help you bypass obstacles. A giant eagle could fly you over vast distances quickly. A blink dog could teleport you to your destination in a flash. All are highly effective methods for getting around and communicating across long distances.

To summarize, utilizing familiars and beasts can greatly enhance your D&D experience. Whether you're using a telepathic familiar to communicate hidden information or a beast messenger to deliver an urgent message, these creatures can add an element of adventure and strategy to your game. So, consider incorporating them into your next campaign and let the animal messengers guide you to victory!

That's it for today's post. We hope you have found this article informative and useful. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below. Until next time, happy gaming!

Frequently Asked Questions About D&D Animal Messenger

What is D&D Animal Messenger?

D&D Animal Messenger is a level 2 transmutation spell that allows a druid or ranger to select a Tiny beast as a messenger to deliver a message.

Can I choose any animal as my messenger?

Not all animals can be used as messengers in this game. The available acceptable options are rats, weasels, pigeons, ravens, owls, or eagles.

The creature chosen to be the messenger must not be already summoned, and it should exist nearby. The creature likewise must have an Intelligence of just 4 or lower.

How far can my messenger travel?

Your messenger can fly up to 50 miles per day. Your creature needs to have a reasonable sense of the place where it is going. Otherwise, it will require direction.”

Who can use D&D Animal Messenger?

This spell is available only for Druids and Rangers. A character with a different class does not have access to the animal messenger spell.

Does it cost anything to cast D&D Animal Messenger?

Yes, it requires a material component to cast. You need a morsel of food that the creature likes.

Can D&D Animal Messenger be blocked or intercepted?

Yes, it is possible to intercept a messenger. There is a chance that the messenger might get distracted or attacked on its journey. The recipient must also be within 5 miles of the messenger when it arrives.


D&D Animal Messenger is a fascinating spell indeed. It enables players to communicate and send messages over long distances without having to travel there physically.

Whether you're playing as a ranger, druid, or other characters that have access to this spell, it can be an excellent addition to your gameplay.

  • Use the D&D Animal Messenger when you need to convey a short message over long distances.
  • The animal messenger must have a reasonable sense of the place where it is going and must have an Intelligence of just 4 or lower.
  • The spell's material components are a piece of food that the creature likes.