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Get into the Groove with Animal Collective's 'Daily Routine' Lyrics: An Insight into their Iconic Soundscapes

Get into the Groove with Animal Collective's 'Daily Routine' Lyrics: An Insight into their Iconic Soundscapes

Are you looking for a song that can help you set the tone for your daily routine? Look no further than Daily Routine by Animal Collective.

This song, released in 2009 on the album Merriweather Post Pavilion, has quickly become a favorite among fans of the experimental pop group. With its catchy beat and thought-provoking lyrics, Daily Routine is the perfect addition to any morning routine.

The opening lines of the song immediately draw the listener in:

I just want to know what's happeningDon't want to guess anymore

These lines capture the anxiety and uncertainty that many people feel when starting their day. But as the song progresses, it offers a message of hope and optimism:

You'll never believe what I saw todaySo many specimens—so many ways

This passage reminds us that there is always something new to discover in the world around us, and that our daily routine can be an exciting opportunity to explore and learn new things.

One thing that sets Daily Routine apart from other songs about daily life is its use of animal imagery. The lyrics are filled with references to birds, insects, and other creatures:

The geese were flying lowHe dealt them a heavy blow

These lines create a vivid picture of nature in motion, and remind us of the importance of staying connected to the natural world even in our daily routines.

Another memorable aspect of the song is its use of repetition. The chorus features the same three lines repeated over and over:

Just a sec more in my bedUnderwater overheadKeep the curtains flowing tightly

Some listeners might find this repetition grating, but others will appreciate its hypnotic quality. By repeating these lines, the song creates a meditative state that can help us focus on our daily tasks.

Overall, Daily Routine is a song that captures the complex emotions and experiences of daily life. It offers a message of hope and wonder that can inspire us to make the most of each day:

You gotta open your eyes and knowYou're never really aloneSleeping in the back of the van whenThe music is taking you home

This passage reminds us that even when we feel tired or alone, there is always something to look forward to—whether it's the comfort of our own bed, the excitement of a new adventure, or the joy of reconnecting with loved ones.

So why not add Daily Routine to your morning playlist and see what it can do for you? With its irresistible beat and inspiring lyrics, this song is the perfect way to start your day off on the right foot.

As the song says:

You gotta hold onto what you've gotDon't let it go, now

So what are you waiting for? Give Daily Routine a listen and see how it can help you seize the day.

Daily Routine Lyrics Animal Collective
"Daily Routine Lyrics Animal Collective" ~ bbaz

The Meaning Behind Daily Routine Lyrics by Animal Collective

If you've ever listened to the band Animal Collective, you may have come across their song Daily Routine. This track first appeared on the band's 2009 album, Merriweather Post Pavilion, and quickly became a fan favorite. The song's hypnotic beat, whimsical lyrics, and catchy chorus make it a perfect addition to any playlist. But have you ever stopped to think about what the song is really about?

The Opening Lines

Let's start with the opening lines:

Take one day, and its entirety. And simplify, it's wake and make it repeat.

These lines set the tone for the rest of the song, which talks about the monotony of everyday life and how easily we fall into routines. The narrator encourages us to take things one day at a time and focus on the little things that make up our routine.

The First Verse

The first verse continues with this theme of routine:

Don't you worry, you're just dreaming. Way too early to be getting that feeling. The sun is up, not so high, in the sky. Pretty soon you're gonna feel that heat.

Here, the narrator reminds us that it's early in the day and there's no need to worry or feel overwhelmed just yet. The sun is still low in the sky, but the lyrics hint that it won't stay that way for long.

The Chorus

Next is the chorus, which you've undoubtedly heard if you're familiar with the song:

Just a sec more in my bed. Dimming thoughts as I rest my head. Real life's forgotten, I want to forget. I'm starving for that daily routine.

The chorus seems to express a desire for routine, almost as if the narrator craves the comfort of the familiar. They want to forget about real life and return to the routine that provides structure and stability.

The Second Verse

The second verse takes a darker turn:

But wait, there's this creeping sense of dread. Now, it feels like someone's on your chest. You've got to get that gold out of your head. And just, imagine how different it could be.

Here, the lyrics describe a sense of anxiety or dread that creeps in when we start to question our routine. The narrator seems to urge us to break free from our habits and imagine a different kind of life.

The Bridge

The bridge of the song is short but powerful:

Time for bed, you're still up in your head. Don't try to sleep, it's the wrong time.

These lines seem to suggest that our thoughts and worries can keep us up at night, and imply that we need to take action to create a better routine for ourselves.

The Final Chorus

The song ends with one final chorus:

And just a sec more in my bed. Dimming thoughts as I rest my head. Would you believe me if I said I'm banking on a sure thing?

These lyrics seem to express a sense of resignation, as if the narrator has given up on breaking free from their routine and is instead relying on it to provide security.

In Conclusion

Overall, Daily Routine by Animal Collective is a thought-provoking song that encourages listeners to examine their own habits and routines. The lyrics suggest that routine can provide comfort and stability, but can also make us feel trapped and anxious if we don't take time to question it. So the next time you listen to Daily Routine, take a moment to reflect on your own daily habits and routines – are they serving you well, or do you need to make a change?

Comparison Between The Daily Routine Lyrics of Animal Collective


Animal Collective is an experimental band that has been creating music since 1999. They are known for their unique sound, blending elements of electronic, psychedelic and avant-garde music. Among their many songs, Daily Routine stands out due to its catchy beat and insightful lyrics. In this article, we will compare the original version of the song with the remix version and analyze the lyrics in detail.

The Original Version

The original version of Daily Routine can be found on Animal Collective's album Merriweather Post Pavilion. It starts with a simple synth line that gradually builds up into a lush soundscape. The lyrics describe the routine of everyday life and how it can become tedious and repetitive. The chorus features the line Just a sec more in my bed repeated multiple times, expressing the desire to stay in a comfortable and familiar place.

The Beat and Melody

The beat of the original version is a mix of electronic drums and live percussion, creating a sense of tension and release. The melody is repetitive but also dynamic, with the synth line evolving throughout the song. There is a sense of optimism in the music, despite the somewhat melancholic lyrics.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of the original version describe the mundane aspects of daily life, from waking up and getting dressed to going to work and coming back home. The narrator expresses a sense of boredom and exhaustion with the routine, yet acknowledges that it is necessary for survival. There is a vague sense of longing for something more, but no clear indication of what that might be.

The Remix Version

A remix of Daily Routine was created by rapper and producer Chuck Inglish. This version takes the original song and adds a hip-hop beat and new lyrics, transforming the song into a completely different experience.

The Beat and Melody

The remix version features a heavy hip-hop beat with snappy snares and a pulsing bassline. The melody is stripped down, with only hints of the original synth line remaining. The overall vibe is more aggressive and modern than the original.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of the remix version are completely different from the original. Chuck Inglish raps about living life in the fast lane, taking risks and chasing success. He references popular culture and makes allusions to famous people like Steve Jobs and Kobe Bryant. While still expressing a sense of dissatisfaction with the daily routine, the lyrics in this version take a more proactive approach to change.

Comparison and Analysis

In comparing the two versions of Daily Routine, it's clear that they are vastly different. The original is dreamy and introspective, while the remix is energetic and confident. The beat and melody of each version reflect the lyrical content, creating two very distinct moods.


Despite these differences, there are some similarities between the two versions. Both explore the idea of routine and how it can become stifling. Both express a sense of longing for something more, though the specifics of that longing differ. And both acknowledge the necessity of routine for survival.


One of the biggest differences between the two versions is the lyrical content. While the original version is more ambiguous and open-ended, the remix version is more specific and driven. It's also worth noting that the lyrics in the remix don't directly reference the original song, aside from the occasional nod to the phrase daily routine.


Daily Routine is a song that explores the complexities of everyday life and the tension between routine and spontaneity. The two versions of the song offer different perspectives on this theme, with the original version taking a more meditative approach and the remix version taking a more action-oriented approach. Overall, both versions are worth listening to and offer something unique to the listener.

Tips for Understanding and Enjoying Daily Routine Lyrics by Animal Collective


Animal Collective is a band that is known for their unique and experimental sound. Their music is often dense with layers of different instruments and sounds, which can make it challenging for listeners to decipher the lyrics. One song that can be particularly tricky to understand is Daily Routine, a track from their 2009 album Merriweather Post Pavilion. In this article, we will provide tips for understanding and enjoying the lyrics to this song.

Tip #1: Familiarize Yourself with the Lyrics

The first step to understanding the lyrics to Daily Routine is to simply read them. You can find them online or in the liner notes of the album. Take some time to study them and get a sense of the overall structure of the song. It's also helpful to listen to the song while you read along with the lyrics, so you can hear how the words are sung and how they fit into the melody.

Tip #2: Pay Attention to the Repetition

One of the most distinctive features of Daily Routine is its use of repetition. The opening lines of the song set the tone: I left my daydreams at the gate / 'Cause I just can't take 'em too far. Throughout the song, these lines are repeated multiple times, with slight variations in the phrasing and delivery. Pay close attention to these repetitions, and try to identify how they contribute to the overall meaning and mood of the song.

Tip #3: Consider the Themes

As you become more familiar with the lyrics, start to think about the themes that are present in the song. Daily Routine is, as the title suggests, a meditation on the routines and habits that shape our lives. The lyrics touch on the monotony of daily life, our struggles to break out of routines, and our desires to escape into daydreams or other distractions. Take some time to reflect on how these themes relate to your own life, or to broader societal issues.

Tip #4: Listen for the Puns and Wordplay

Animal Collective is known for their playful and often nonsensical use of language. Daily Routine is no exception - the lyrics are full of puns, wordplay, and unusual phrasings. For example, in the chorus, the line And all I want now is the moon upon a stick plays with the idea of something impossible or unrealistic (the moon on a stick), while also evoking the image of a child reaching up for something just out of reach. Keep an ear out for these kinds of linguistic tricks, which can add to the overall whimsy and charm of the song.

Tip #5: Appreciate the Production

Finally, it's worth noting that a large part of the appeal of Daily Routine comes from the intricate and carefully crafted production. From the layered vocal harmonies to the hypnotic electronic textures, every element of the song has been thoughtfully arranged and mixed to create a rich and immersive sonic experience. Take some time to really listen to the production, and appreciate the way that the different sounds and instruments interact with each other.


Daily Routine may be a challenging song to unpack, but with a little effort and attention, it can be a rewarding and even transformative listening experience. By familiarizing yourself with the lyrics, paying attention to the repetition and wordplay, considering the themes, and appreciating the production, you can deepen your understanding and enjoyment of this unique and captivating track.

Daily Routine Lyrics Animal Collective

As music enthusiasts, we all have our favorite songs or bands that we can't get enough of. For fans of Animal Collective, Daily Routine is undoubtedly a classic that they love to listen to over and over. The lyrics are poetic and whimsical, telling a simple yet profound story about the beauty of everyday life.

The song starts with a description of the morning routine, where a person wakes up and goes about their daily activities: Mornings come alive with just another day / Happy people pass my way. It then moves on to describe the rush of the city, with its busy streets and crowded sidewalks.

As the song progresses, the lyrics become more introspective and emotional, painting a picture of someone who is searching for meaning in their life. They long to escape the noise and chaos of the city and find peace in the countryside: I want to go outside, take a walk in the sun, and revel the things that we've done.

The chorus is where Daily Routine truly shines. It's a beautiful melody that perfectly captures the feeling of longing and nostalgia. The phrase Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah is repeated several times, creating a hypnotic effect that takes the listener on a journey through their own emotions.

Throughout the song, there are references to nature and the beauty of the natural world. This gives the lyrics an almost spiritual quality, as if the narrator is on a quest to find enlightenment and connect with something greater than themselves.

In the end, the song ends on a hopeful note: And it's gonna be all right, I know / It's gonna be all right, I know. This is a reminder that even though life can be chaotic and confusing, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow.

If you're a fan of Animal Collective, then Daily Routine is undoubtedly one of your favorite songs. Its simple yet profound lyrics, paired with a beautiful melody, make it a great addition to any playlist. So sit back, relax, and let Daily Routine take you on a journey through your own thoughts and emotions.

Thank you for reading the article about Daily Routine Lyrics Animal Collective. We hope that you enjoyed it and gained a new appreciation for this classic song. Remember to keep exploring new music and sharing your discoveries with others. Music has the power to bring people together and uplift our spirits, so never stop seeking out new sounds and experiences.

People Also Ask About Daily Routine Lyrics Animal Collective

What is Daily Routine Lyrics Animal Collective?

Daily Routine is a song by the experimental rock band Animal Collective. It was released on the album Merriweather Post Pavilion in 2009. The song has gained popularity for its catchy melody and surreal lyrics.

What is the meaning of the lyrics in Daily Routine by Animal Collective?

The lyrics in Daily Routine are open to interpretation, but they seem to describe the monotony and routine of everyday life. The narrator observes the world around them and reflects on their own existence, wondering if there is more to life than just going through the motions.

Who wrote Daily Routine by Animal Collective?

Daily Routine was written by the members of Animal Collective, which include Avey Tare (David Portner), Panda Bear (Noah Lennox), Geologist (Brian Weitz), and Deakin (Josh Dibb). The band is known for their collaborative songwriting process, which often involves improvisation and experimentation.

What genre is Daily Routine by Animal Collective?

Animal Collective's music is often described as experimental or psychedelic rock. Daily Routine features elements of electronic music, including synthesizers and drum machines, and has been compared to the work of other experimental artists like Brian Eno and Can.

What other songs are similar to Daily Routine by Animal Collective?

Other songs by Animal Collective that have a similar sound to Daily Routine include My Girls, Summertime Clothes, and Brother Sport. The band's experimental approach to music makes it difficult to identify specific similar songs, as each track is unique in its own way.